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It's very late and dark out right now so I wanted to go somewhere "safe".

I basically found a neighborhood that didn't look as creepy as the other ones so I took a seat on the sidewalk and pulled my phone out.

Jungkook: Hey!

Me: hi

Jungkook: how's your adventure going? :)

Me: haha good but kinda boring tbh.

Jungkook: bummer. Where are you?

Me: I'm sitting on a sidewalk in a somewhat friendly neighborhood hah

Jungkook: hah oki. Stay safe

Me: I'll try ;)

Jungkook: great! I'm at home rn

Me: cool. Is everything ok there?

Jungkook: I guess so

Me: good well I'll let you get some shut eye

Jungkook: hah ok. You should find a place to sleep too!

Me: yea yea. Goodnight :)

Jungkook: Gn :)

I put my phone back in my pocket and stood up.

I found a little alley way and went in. Hopefully no one will see me.

I put my back pack down on the ground and laid down, using the bag as a pillow.

I hugged my hoodie closer to my body so that I wouldn't freeze.

And after a while, I fell asleep.

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