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Me and Jungkook arrived at a small cafe and he bought us each a coffee and waffles.

I thanked him like a thousand times but he just waved it off.

"So tell me, what brought you to the motel anyway?" He asked while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Well basically I ran away from home and my hometown." I sighed.


"I don't know. I just really needed a break from everything and everyone." I said and he nodded understandably. "What about you?"

"Oh.. it's kinda for the same reason I guess. I just needed a break." He shrugged.

"What's your biggest fear?" He suddenly asked.

"Oh... um well I was afraid of the dark as a kid." I laughed. "But now... I think it's loneliness and trust. I feel like I can't trust that many people anymore and that scares me." I explained. "You?"


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