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"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Being obsessed with something that you can never have. And seeing it being taken away would probably be the hardest part." He said.

"Oh~" I nodded in understanding.

We proceeded to talk about some other things like our lives back in our hometowns and stuff.

Our families.

Our old friends.

Pretty much everything.

We got along really well and had a lot in common.

We had spent pretty much the whole day at the cafe that we didn't notice that it was already getting darker.

We left the cafe and went back to the motel.

We said our goodbyes by the doors to our rooms and parted ways.

I went inside my room and sat down on the bed.

Will I ever go back home?

All that's waiting for me there is just more pain...

Here I at least have Jungkook...

Will he leave me too?

Alone| M.Y  ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now