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"And that's how I learnt how to juggle." Tae said and I laughed at his slightly disturbing story.

We were walking home from school and just telling stories and getting to know each other.

He was actually a really nice and funny guy.

Maybe I'm not gonna be alone after all.

We arrived at my house and said our goodbyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked hopeful.

"Yeah. See ya." I smiled and went inside. "Mooom! I'm home!"

I threw my backpack on the floor and was about to go inside when she came out of nowhere and hugged me.

"Hi! Welcome home! How was your first day?" She said and cupped my cheeks and probably made me look like a fish.

"It was ok." I said as she squished my cheeks.

"Tell me the details!" She yelled and untied her apron. She dragged me to the living room and sat me down in the couch. "Spill the tea, gurl!"

That's why I love my mom.

"Well I met Jimin again." I said and looked down.

"You did? How is he? What did you talk about?"

"Calm down" I chuckled. "We didn't exactly talk much at all." I scratched my neck.

"And at lunch, the same group of boys who bullied me talked to me as well..."

"What did they say?"

"Umm well they said that I looked like Malfoy from Harry Potter because of my hair." I said.


We burst out laughing at the exact same time.

"Is that seriously the best they can do?" She laughed.

"Haha I even called them out on it." I laughed.

"That's my boy." She ruffled my hair.

"Anyways, oh! And I think I made a new friend today!" I said excitingly.

"Really? How did you meet? What's his name?" She bombarded me with a bunch of questions.

"His name is Kim Taehyung and he came up to me while I was sitting alone on the bleachers."I said and she nodded.

"I'm happy that you're starting to make new friends after two whole years." She smiled.

"Yeah, me too."

After a little while, I went upstairs and watched some videos on my computer.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my window.

I walked over to the window, slowly opening the curtains.

It was Jimin.

I opened the window and let him climb in. I sat down on my bed, facing the floor.

"Took you 2 years to finally return." I smirked, still not facing him.

Alone| M.Y  ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now