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"Guys I'm not so sure about this..." I scratched my neck.

"Shut it, will ya. It'll be great!" Tae said as he took a box of pink hair dye.

"Ok! Let's go pay." Jimin said.

The four of us went to the store nearby and they thought that it would be a wonderful idea to dye my hair pink.

I liked my blonde hair but oh well. At least nobody will call me Malfoy anymore.

We payed for all of our snacks and the hair dye and headed back to my house.


"Guys I'm scared! What if I just look like I got cotton candy on my head!" I panicked as Suran was rinsing my hair.

"Don't worry! It looks ok so far." Jimin said.

We left the bathroom and they blow dried my hair and fixed it.

"Aaand done!" Suran clapped her hands.

"It looks awesome! Take a look." Tae said and handed me a small mirror.

I looked at my reflection and to be honest... I looked pretty good.

"Wow! It looks pretty good." I said.

"We told ya!" Jimin laughed and playfully punched my shoulder.

We spent the rest of the evening watching movies and eating unhealthy snacks.

"Knock, knock! I brought you some milkshakes." Mom came into the room.

"Yes! Thanks Mishil!" Jimin yelled happily and took a milkshake.

Suran and Tae thanked her as well and took their milkshakes.

"Thanks mom." I smiled.

"Anytime! Have fun. Suran, darling I'm just warning you, they can be a little annoying." She winked.

"Haha thanks for the warning." Suran laughed.

"Hey! We're not that bad." Tae yelled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

She rolled her eyes and playfully pushed him away.

"Love the hair by the way, Yoongs." Mom gave me a thumbs up.

"Thanks mom." I said and sipped my milkshake through my green straw.

It's sad that Suran doesn't go to our school but we don't mind.

We'll make it work.

I think that we're all gonna be amazing friends for quite a while.

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