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I heard the doorbell ring and rushed downstairs before my mom could open the door.

"Hey!" I smiled at the blue haired girl.

"Hi!" She smiled back.

"Yoongi! Is that a girl I hear?!" Mom rushed out of the kitchen with her pink apron tied around her frame.

"Umm yes." I said and let Suran come inside.

"Oh my god! Have you finally gotten the guts to talk to a girl?!" She said happily.

"Well... it's a long story. But mom she's just a friend." I laughed.

"Oh, I see. What's your name dear?" She smiled at her.

"My name is Suran. Nice to meet you" She smiled back and they shook hands.

"I'm Yoongi's mom but please call me Mishil or mom." They laughed.

"Ok well we're gonna go upstairs to Jimin and Tae." I said and pulled Suran upstairs.

"Your mom is really sweet." Suran said.

"Yeah... maybe a little too sweet sometimes." I laughed.

I opened the door to my room and we both widened our eyes at the weird sight in front of us.

Tae was wearing sunglasses and so was Jimin. Looks like they found my chains in my drawer...

"Hello." Tae said and dramatically removed his sunglasses.

"Hey- ow!" Jimin said but accidentally poked himself in the eye with his glasses.

"Um... hello" Suran smiled awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes and took the sunglasses and chains and threw them on the bed.

"Be normal for once please." I rolled my eyes.

"Right, sorry" Tae coughed. "My name is Taehyung. Nice to meet you!" He smiled brightly and extended his hand.

"I'm Suran." She smiled and they shook hands.

"Hello, I'm Jimin." Jimin smiled shyly and they shook hands as well.

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