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My sleep was interrupted by the bright sunlight shining in my face through the window.

I yawned and sat up.

I looked at the little alarm clock that was on the bedside table and it read 12:46 pm.


I stood up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I waddled like a penguin to the small bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth etc.

I also changed my clothes into something else and took a look around the small room.

To be honest, it was pretty decent In my opinion like it could've been worse, right?

Although the wallpaper was torn and the floor was pretty dirty I didn't really give a damn because this is better than sleeping on the streets.

I'm happy with what I've got.

I put on my shoes and took the key and left the room.

I locked the door behind me and when I turned around, I saw Jungkook just exiting his room as well.

"Hello there" He smiled.

"Hey!" I smiled back.

"Wanna go somewhere to get breakfast?" He asked.

"That sounds great but I don't really have that much money with me and I want to use it for emergency's only." I scratched my neck.

"Oh don't worry about it! I can pay for you."

"Oh no" I shook my head.

"Don't worry! I have plenty of money with me so it's no worries." He waved it off.

"You sure?"

"Of course. Now come on" He smiled.

"Ok" I smiled back and we went to the elevator together.

Alone| M.Y  ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now