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I didn't know where I was.

It was already dark.

I was lost.

I sat down on the sidewalk of this random street that I didn't recognize.

I had no more tears left to cry.

What did I do to deserve this?

Why can't things just go back to the way they were.

Why did everyone have to leave me?



"Excuse me?"

I looked up and saw a man standing there and by the looks of it, he was homeless.

"Do you have a lighter?" He asked.

I nodded and handed him the lighter from my pocket. He put a cigarette in between his lips and lit it.

"Thank you" He said and and handed me the lighter back. I nodded in response and he left.

I hugged my knees with one arm and flickered the lighter with my other hand.

The flame that came out kinda calmed me down.

I frowned.

So many thoughts were forming in my head...

Alone| M.Y  ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now