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I was leaving school after a boring day. I couldn't wait to get home.


I turned around and saw the same group of dudes.

In the group was also, Taehyung, Jimin and Suran.

"You're going home to mommy?" One of the Guys pouted and they laughed.

I gave Taehyung, Suran and Jimin death glares before shaking my head and walking again.

"Leaving so soon?" The guy grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

"Let's have some fun, cotton candy boy!"

They laughed.

They all laughed.

At me.

Why me?

I clenched my jaw and balled my hands into fists. I grabbed the guy by the collar and punched him.

He fell to the ground and I started punching him repeatedly.

The cowards that he calls his friends all backed away or bailed.

"Yoongi! Stop!" Someone pulled me off of him and turns out it was Taehyung and Jimin.

"Don't touch me you fucking traitors!" I yelled and stormed away.

I can't take this anymore.

They can't just treat me like I don't have emotions.

I am human too!

They just can't treat me like this...

Alone| M.Y  ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now