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I was sitting at our usual table at lunch but neither Jimin or Taehyung showed up...

I was picking on my food with my fork when I heard footsteps approach me.

I looked up in excitement, thinking that it's one of them but it wasn't.

"Hey! I couldn't help but notice that you were alone and looking a bit sad. Want some company?" A girl asked.

I don't need anybody's pity...

The fuck.

"No. Leave" I said quietly and started picking on my food again.

"No need to be so rude." She gasped and left. I rolled my eyes and rested my head in my palm.

I understand that the two of them are not ok with each other right now but that doesn't mean that they have to give up on their friendship with me.

I threw my fork on the table and exited the cafeteria.

I need some air.

I took my usual place on the bleachers and just looked out on the giant football field.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

Everything was going so well...

Why now?

My thoughts were interrupted by an unpleasant smell. I opened my eyes and looked to my left.

It was that boy again.

He had a cigarette in between his lips and he puffed out small clouds of smoke when he took it in between his fingers.

He noticed me staring and gave me a little smile. I smiled back and looked away.

I stood up and left my place at the bleachers. I went back inside the school and honestly... I have no idea what I'm gonna do about this.

Alone| M.Y  ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now