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Me and Jimin were standing by his locker and talking.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and smiled.

"Taehyung! Hey!" I said, happily.

"Hi!" He flashed his adorable rectangular smile.

"I would like to introduce you to Jimin. He's my best friend. Jimin, this is Taehyung." I said and they awkwardly smiled at each other.

"Well, I'm not gonna disturb you two. I have to go to class anyways." Tae said.

"Oh ok. Do you wanna sit with us at lunch?" I offered.

"Absolutely." He smiled. "See ya"

"Bye!" And so, he walked off.

"Who was that, Yoongs?" Jimin asked.

"Just a friend. We met yesterday." I explained.

"I see. Let's go to class." He smiled softly and we went to class.


It was lunch time and the three of us were sitting together and talking.

I was kinda relieved to see that they got along.

"Hello there nerds!" We looked up to see him and his gang of dweebs.

"What do you want this time? To tell me how much I resemble a Harry Potter character?" I rolled my eyes and Jimin and Taehyung snickered.

"Careful what you say." The guy narrowed his eyes. I stood up and walked over to him so we were face to face.

"Yeah? Or what?"

Then I felt his fist collide with my cheek. I fell to the floor and gripped my face tightly.

He's dead.

I stood back up and ran for it.

I jumped on top of him and punched his ugly face repeatedly.

The whole cafeteria was silent and was just staring at me beating the shit out of this jerk.

Jimin and Taehyung tried to pull me off of him but they couldn't.

"What is going on here?!" A voice yelled and I got off of that guy. I should probably learn his name.


"Yoongi! I never expected this behavior from you. You're coming with me." The principal said.

I looked down and clenched my jaw.

"He started it."

"He's in trouble too but you went out of hand." He explained.

I shook my head in disbelief. So now they do something about bullying, huh?

"Where were you when I got hurt and bullied every single day 2 years ago?" I said through clenched teeth and stormed out of the school.

I went to the bleachers and sat down. I buried my face in my hands and sighed.

What have I done?

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