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7 years ago

"What is your biggest dream, Yoongi?" Mom asked me.

"I want to play the piano, mommy" I smiled brightly up at her while we were laying on the soft blanket outside, looking at the stars.

"Really? That's pretty interesting for a 9 year old" She laughed.

"Yeah" I said and looked at the beautiful little dots in the black abyss.

They were twinkling ever so brightly.

"I promise you, one day you will become the worlds greatest pianist." She said.

"That's impossible" I sighed.

"Nothing's impossible, Yoongs. I promise you that I will buy you an amazing piano one day so you could make your dreams come true." She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"That would be amazing, mommy!" I exclaimed.

"Exactly. So I'll get you one. But not now... one day" she said.

We continued to stargaze all night.

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