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2 weeks later

I was sitting on my bed with my laptop and was watching a movie when I heard a knock on my window.

I paused the movie and hopped off my bed to open the window.

It was Taehyung.

He climbed in with the biggest smile on his face.

"Why so happy, Taetae?" I laughed.

"You'll never believe what happened!" He yelled in excitement.


"Me and Suran are dating!" He jumped up and down and clapped his hands.

"Who's dating who?!" The door swung open to reveal my mom.

"Mishil! I'm dating Suran!" Tae yelled.

"What?! That's amazing!" They both squealed and jumped around.

I playfully rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed.

Of course I was happy for both of them but I just hope that things won't change in our friend group because of this.

When my mom left, me and Tae decided to hang out for a little while.

We rarely get to spend time just the two of us and it was pretty fun.

It was getting late so he had to go home.

I changed into a white T-shirt and black shorts. I fell on my bed face first and was about to fall asleep when I heard my phone go off.

I groaned and checked what it was.

Jimin: Did you hear that Suran and Tae are dating?

Me: yea

Jimin: I can't believe he would do this...

Me: ?

Jimin: I like her too

Me: oh..

Shit! I knew that some stupid drama like this was gonna happen!

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