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End of March

Spring Break



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I miss her like crazy.

Sophia went to England for Spring Break to visit her great uncle and being without her is killing me. I've tried to busy myself with track and working out but she's on my mind all the time. With the time zone being different, I don't get to talk to her as much either. I decided to FaceTime her. After 3 rings she picked up.

"Hey you." She weakly smiled

"Babygirl you okay, you look sick." I say concerned

"Cause I am, ever since I got down here I've been sick as fuck, I hate it." She sniffles

"You still fine though." I smirk at her

She blushes and looks down

"How have you been?" She asks

"Honestly not so good. I really miss you. Having you around, always playing in my waves, wiping shit off my face." I say making her giggle  "It's not the same without you. Kobe thinks I'm depressed cause I only come out the house for practice, but i don't think he understands what it's like to be so attached to a person that it's like your forget how to live and shit when you're without them."

"I miss you too baby, but try not to be too sad and down, I mean I am coming back." 

"You right." I laugh a little

"Are you really attached to me like that?" She asks

"Like bread and butter baby."



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I shot from the 3-point line and the ball went in with a swish. I held a 1 one up as I jogged back down to the other side of the court. Even though it was Spring break I still had basketball games.  As our coach calls a timeout. I look in the stands, and there she sat. Looking beautiful as ever. I waved to her and she blew me a kiss. I caught it with my hand and pretended to faint causing her to giggle. This girl man.

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