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"I can't let go of my baby..."


2 days later



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I walk to the the stands behind the school wondering if Sophia was going to actually meet me here. I've texted her paragraph after paragraph apologizing and trying to make things right these past 2 days but she hasn't said anything back. Has she given up on this? On us? 

As I make it up the steps I realize she was already sitting there with her head down. I walk up to her and she automatically stands up. She doesn't say anything but she just hugs me tight. My arms wrap around her in a warm embrace. God knows how much I missed her.

"I'm sorry." I say rubbing her back

"I know." She says as she pulls away.

"I should've never been there for Destiny like that. Like you said I should've turned her towards some actual help. I can only do so much." I say looking at her

She nods and grabs my hand and links them together

"But baby you gotta learn how to trust me moving forward if we want this to work. I only want you and I always have, that's never gonna change."  I say grabbing her face "From this day on I'm gonna do nothing but give you the utmost support from me cause you deserve it all. When you told me you felt like you couldn't come to me with your baggage. I felt like I failed as a boyfriend. I want you to be comfortable around me and know you can come to me with anything no matter what it is."

"We both have things we need to work on." She finally spoke "And I'm willing to put in the work because losing you, losing this, losing us... is the last thing I want to happen. You mean a lot to me. I know there are gonna be times where one of us fucks up because we're not perfect people, but are imperfections are what makes us human. I know I ignored you these past two days, but I just needed to see if you were willing to fight to keep us going, and you are." She looks at me

"So can I get a kiss?" I smile

She nods and leans in to kiss me. I grab her face and deepen the kiss.

"I missed you shorty a whole lot." I say wrapping my arm around her

"I did too baby." She says laying her head on me "Oh I almost forgot, I got us matching bracelets."

She pulls two bracelets out her pocket one red one black with the colors of the Jamaican flag her hometown. She puts the black on me and I put the red one on her.

"Babe this is dope." I say looking at mine "I'm never taking this hoe off."

"Good." She laughs


"So how was your date, y'all back together now?" Armani asks sitting down in front of me

We were at our spot in the library

"It wasn't a date how many times I gotta tell yo ass that." I say irritated "It was good though, we both got the closure that we needed. Why would you think we're back together?"

"Cause that nigga is always at your locker now. Y'all always laughing and shit." He says upset

"We're just friends." I shrug "You jealous?" I tease

"Hell yeah but it's whatever." He says looking the other way

"It's not whatever and there's no need to be jealous either, I told him about us."

"Us?" He smirks

"You know what I mean don't start blushing and shit. I just told him that me and you got something going on, he already thinks we date anyway."

Armani sits there smiling as he stares at me.

"What?" I ask

"So you got feelings for me?"

"That's already been established."

"But I wanna hear you say it." He demands

"Fine. Armani I like your ugly ass." I laugh

"I like your weird ass too." He chuckles

End of April


I sit down in the CCC (place for Seniors to study, chill, and get help) at a computer. I wanted to get started on some of my homework cause I know I wasn't gonna be up to it after practice.


"Zae? What are you doing here?" I ask 

I rarely see him in school anymore and I haven't talked to him since the other night.

"I saw you in here and though I come say hello." He smiles

"Well this place is technically only for Seniors."

"You know I don't follow rules." He laughs "Wassup with you though, I've seen you around with your little boo, I'm guessing you guys are good now?"

"Yeah we are." I smile proudly 

Robert and I have been doing good these past few weeks. I can genuinely say that I'm happy with him.

"You forgave him just like that?" Zae asks

"What you mean?" I ask

"I mean when I fucked up you wouldn't give me another chance for nothing."

"Well Rob isn't you Isaiah. Besides you didn't fuck up you fucked me over, there's a difference." I roll my eyes

What did this nigga want

"What you like about this guy anyway, he ain't even all that. Dick that good?" He laughs

"My nigga may not be some Varsity basketball player and got all the females drooling over him, but all that shit doesn't matter anyways. The connection we have is what matters. The way he makes me feel when I'm with him is what matters. Rob makes me realize my worth and how I actually should be treated. Instead of settling for ain't shit ass niggas like you."

"Well you definitely called this ain't shit ass nigga when Robert was out there fucking up. You know what fuck you."

"Fuck me? Nigga fuck you. I called you because I needed someone to vent to not because I wanted your ass back."

Zae just looks at me. I meant every word I said. What did Zae think? I was gonna leave Robert and come running back to him to rekindle some shit he fucked up in the first place?

"Don't call me for shit again, delete my number." He says getting up

"It was never saved bitch."

Blow me up with comments and votes!!!! Feel free to message me too!!!! MUCH LOVE!!!!

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