14 (continued).

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"I'll be there in 10 minutes." I say

I grab some sweats and a hoodie and walk over to her house. It reminded me of old times. I climb up to her window and gently tap. She opens it seconds later letting me in.

"Is everything okay?"I say grabbing her face "Have you been crying?"

Tear stains were down her cheeks.

She sighs and starts to telling me about the issues she's having with her boyfriend Robert. I just listened. It lowkey hurt a little to know she moved on to somebody else, but obviously he's not treating her right. It could be my chance to step in.

"I think you should fall back. Obviously he doesn't see what he's doing to you and how much you need him. Most people don't realize that shit till they're without that person. I know I didn't." I say looking at her

She nods like she agrees and looks down.

"I called you, because the last time I saw you, you told me that you're still here for me no matter what."

"And I meant that Sophia." I say grabbing her hand

She pulls her hand away and looks the other direction. Damn she really must like this dude.

"Thank you for being here for me I really appreciate it."

"Of course, if you need anything else just let me know."

I give her a hug before crawling out onto her roof.

"It's gonna be okay Sophia." I say

She just closed her window without saying anything...

I almost cried remembering how me and Robert's first argument as a couple went. Comment and Vote!!!!!

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