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"Are you sure your okay?" My mom asked for the third time

"Yes mommy." I smile trying to convince her

We were at dinner with my dad and brothers for Father's Day. I wanted to be in a celebratory mood but all I could think about was how much I missed Robert. He's been in Tennessee visiting his Grandpa for the past 2 weeks. I hated being without him for too long.

"My name is Isaiah I will be your server today can I start you all off with some drinks."

I look up to see that our server was Zae. What the actual fuck. He just stared at me in disbelief as I rolled my eyes and looked down at the menu.

"I'll take some cranberry juice." I say without looking at him

He takes the rest of the orders and leaves to get our drinks. I haven't seen Zae since we were cussing each other out that one day at school.

"That waiter was hella looking at you." My brother teased "You know him?"

"Nah, never seen him before." I lied 



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I sat on my couch staring down on my phone. I didn't know who to call or even call first. I haven't talked to either of them in a few weeks and both of them have been blowing up my phone with calls and texts, mostly from Armani though.

I know what it's like to be with Pryce already, he made me happy no doubt, but I really didn't see us happening again, at the same time it wouldn't be such a bad thing if we did get back together.

Then Armani. I felt like I could just let go around him. We've seen each other at our worst and at our best and we still rocked with each other no matter what. The thing is he wants a relationship now and I'm not sure if I was ready to be in one right now.

I toss my phone to the side in frustration and lay my head back

Doorbell Rings

I groan as I look at the door. I didn't feel like answering it. As I make my way to the door the person on the other side starts to make a beat on it. It was Armani.

"Hey." He says casually

"Hey, what you doing here?" I ask as he walks right in

"You haven't been answering any of my calls or texts, you had a nigga worried so I came to make sure you was straight." He says sitting down

"That's thoughtful of you. I'm okay I just have a lot on my mind."I say standing in front of him

"Come here." He says pulling me on his lap

Oh lord

"If you really wanted to work things out with Pryce, you wouldn't be thinking about me and you so much would you?" He asks looking in my eyes


"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I say getting up

"That food went straight through you huh?" My mom says

"Shush." I laugh

I walk to the restroom and I'm stopped before I can open the door.

"So you gonna act like you don't know anybody?" He asks turning me to face him

"I got nothing to say you, move." 

"Sophia I'm sorry."

"I don't give a fuck Isaiah it's too late for that shit anyways." 

I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. Niggas always wanna come back into your life once it's too late. I wash my hands and go back to the table as nothing ever happened.


"I miss you so much mama." Robert said

I was on Facetime with him for the past 2 hours just talking about his time in Tennessee. I didn;t tell him anything about Zae, it was irrelevant anyway.

"I miss you more." I whine "When are you coming back again?"

"In 2 days." He answered

"That's so far away." I complained

"Stop being such a baby." He laughed


I laid my head on Armani's chest and sighed. He was right, as usual. He wrapped his arms around me and played in my hair as neither of us said anything.

"Thanks for coming to check on me. It really shows me you care." I say sitting up

"Abby before all this you were my best friend. I'm always gonna care about you no matter what." He says grabbing my face

He leans in and kisses me as a warmness was felt through my body. This kiss was different it was like sparks went off between us. I pull away from him and we just stare at each other.

I realized who I wanted to be with.

Armani or Pryce??????? Comment and Vote!!!!!!!

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