1: The Search

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Hi! Just a note here in case you're new to the whole "reader" concept, though I doubt you are. But if by chance you are... WELCOME! Just know...

Y/N = Your name
M/N = Middle Name
L/N = Last Name

Got it? Cool. If I add anything new, I'll add a note. Also, you now have a best friend named Kat. Poof! Feel free to insert your own name for this friend if you aren't feeling it. ONWARDS!


-Tom's Point of View-

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and run my hands over my face, "Another morning, another Friday..." I yawn. I walk out of the room, switching off the lights, and running down the stairs. Tessa greeted me at the bottom of the stairs as I hopped down the last step.

"Careful running down!" My mum called. I knelt down and petted Tessa, showering her in kisses. "Who's a good girl? My Tessa! Yes you are, Tess!" I cooed. I stood up and swoop around the corner into the kitchen. Mum was there, sweeping the floor.

"Morning, Mum." I smile, heading straight to the hot tea on the stove.

"Good morning, Tom. You're packing today, right? You can't wait until last minute again."

"Yes, yes, mum."

"It's a lot to pack. You've got that interview, and that convention, and-"

"I know!" I interrupt, pouring myself a cup of tea. "Don't worry, I've even made a list of what I need."

"Wow, Tom, I'm impressed! Oh, your father and I are going to look for a sitter for Tessa today."

"Oh, no one responded to the ad?" I sit down, taking a sip of my tea.

"Well, yes," Mum leaned against the broom. "But none of the applicants were that great. And a lot of them wanted more than what we offered to pay. We're hoping to find someone out in the park. Lots of dog owners out there."

I nod. "Thanks again for helping find someone to take care of her. I hate that I can't bring her along with me."

"Well, it's the least we can do. With your brothers out in Australia and your father and I celebrating our anniversary, we sprung our absence on you!"

"I just hope we can find someone great for her. Make sure whoever you find can-"

"Keep in contact with you about Tess, I know." Mum chuckles.

"Thanks, Mum." I finish my tea and rinse out my cup. "I'm going to head up and start packing now. The earlier, the better."

"I'm glad you learned that lesson!"

I laugh sarcastically at her joke and head up to my room, closing the door behind me. I looked at the empty suitcase on the floor by my bed. I shrugged. "Eh, it can wait 30 minutes."

-Y/N's Point of View-

"Whoa, puppers!" I exclaim, tugging on the 5 leashes I had in my grip. All of the dogs slowed down their pace and I kept walking.

"Good boys! ... And girl. Can't forget you, Lulu!" I continued along the bridge I was walking on and watched the water rush below it.

"Look mommy, dogs!!" A child called out. I stopped and turned around, smiling at the kid dragging their mom with them to the dogs. They stopped in front of me. "Wow, lady, that's a lot of dogs!"

I laughed at his remark. "Well, they're not all mine! I'm just walking them for a few people."

"Looks like you've got a good hold on them!" His mom chimed in. Her son began to pet them as the dogs jumped on him. I pulled back every once in a while to make sure he wasn't too crowded by the dogs.

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