Chapter 7

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While Madi is faint,
Martinus lift her up and bring her to Tinus bed.
"Tinus!did she wake up?" Ask lily.

"No." Said tinus

*open eyes*

"Where the hell,Am i?" Ask Madi.
Tinus entered his room and lock it.
"Oh,It's you tinus." Said Madi.

"Uh,Yeah." Tinus said.
Madi was blushed inside.

"You know,I'm apologise about the 'things' i did before you faint." Said tinus.

"No no no,It's oke.I forgive,why did you lock the door?" Ask Madi.

"Oh,I lock the door because Lily and Marcus will stalk our conversation tho." Said tinus nervously.

*Madi wake up*

"I thought i fall for you." Said Madi and she turned away.

"No,you will fall for me.Maybe.One day." Said Tinus and he make madi face look at him.

"Let's go outside." Said Madi.
Martinus unlocked the door and madi going out.


Jaxon23: Hey guys,Remember me..?

Madison666 : life!

Jaxon23: yes i did "woman"?

"Madi?Are you ok?you look like you wanted to fall again...?" Ask Tinus.

"No no no...I'm o-*fell*" said madi before she fell to the ground.

"Nooooo not again." Said tinus.

"Madddiii!O my gosh!I was downstairs...she faint 2 times!i am shook." Said Lily.

"I can't help her...She need water. Go get her a water.I'll lift her up to my room.bring it there." Said tinus.

"Ok." Said Lily.
Martinus lift madi up to his room.
He put madi on his bed,yes.once again.

Martinus get out of his bedroom and closed the door.

"Erm...Did i faint...again...?what the hell...this room is familiar.I should get up." Said madi.
She wake up and opened the door and saw tinus isn't there.
Madi saw Tinus she goes downstairs to see what's going on.
She falls on her knees.madi start to cry.

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