Chapter 30

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Madi didn't realize that he came out of no where.

"You know,I can't read your mind.I can feel your feeling.You don't need to hide just tell me." Said tinus.

"Um.I can't tell you.I wanted to tell you but i can't.I don't think you will understand my pressure." Said madi as she turned her face away.

"Oh.You really need someone?who will listen to you?" Said tinus..

"Wait.How did you know?" Said madi.

"Secret.I will forever keep it as a secret." Said tinus.

"Fiinee.I'm gonna go." Said madi.
Tinus nodded and he left before madi left.

"Hey gurl." Said lily.

"Hey.What did you told Martinus?" Said madi suspiciously.

"Uhh.nothing." said lily.

"Ok then.see ya." Said madi.
Madi went to tinus and wanna be honest to him.

"I wanna be honest with you." Said madi.

"Ok.You wanna be honest with me...?" Said tinus.madi nodded.

"Actually, I hate my old school.My new school was good but things in here getting really strange.when i first met you i felt like i just met someone's like i met an angel." Said madi and she grin.
Tinus laughed.

"It ain't true." Said madi.

"What am i going to say was true.I ain't even lying about this one." Said tinus.
Madi nodded.

"I actually like you." Said madi & tinus.
They both shocked.

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