Chapter 28

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"Phew...I am now exhausted.I need my bottle water." Said tinus.

"I have bottle can drink it." Said madi and she smile.

"Hallehujah!You made it like a cute cooouuuple! need to go.The match is gonna start soon." Said lily.

"Oh yeah.Forgot.See you after the match." Said tinus and he ran to mac.

"Hey gurl.So how you doing?" Ask lily.

"You ruin it.I can't even have a conversation with him..For once.fuck you lily." Said madi.

"Sorry.I just wanna tell him that the match will be starting soon.Did you miss him already?" Said lily.

"Uh no." Said madi.

"You know whaat?I'll get a ice right back." Said lily and she went to a ice cream shop.

"It's hot.I can't stand under the sun..." said Madi and suddenly Jay appeared with umbrella.

"Here.Have it.I have other umbrella." Said jay.
Madi smiles and take it and ran to tinus.


"What the-Madi?" Said tinus.

"Have you seen any shop that sells flower near this field..?" Ask madi.

"Yeah.over there?" Said tinus.
Madi thankful to tinus and waving at him with a cute eyes.
After buying flowers,madi and lily watching the match and just hoping their team win.

Loving The One || Martinus Gunnarsen {Ep 1}~[Completed]~Where stories live. Discover now