Chapter 36

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"Morning to myself." Said madi.

" wake up yourself?" Said lily.

"Yeah." Said madi.
Madi went ready and she came downstair and eat her breakfast.
After eating breakfast they went to school together.

"Hey madison." Said lizzy,

"...hey...?" Said madi.

"I was here not to apologize.I'm here to tell you that,Tinus is in my arm know what i mean by that." Said lizzy.

"O-Oh Okay then...I'll stay friends with him only." Said madi and she stood there.

"What a slut.she's a thot hoe who just speak to you."
"She didn't know the consequences of saying that to my bff."
Said lily and then she glared at lizzy with a lion eye.
Lizzy scared.

"Hey Ma-." Said tinus and then lizzy shut his mouth and grab his wrist.

"Don't." Said lizzy.

"Who the hell do you think you are..?" Said tinus.

"Your sunshine." Said lizzy.

"No you're not.She's the sunshine to me.she's been in my heart." Said tinus.
"You just made her upset.She's having anxiety because of should know that."
Said tinus.

"Really?I'M SO HAPPY THAT SHE HAS ANXIETY!" said lizzy and she hugged tinus.

" hurt her feelings better stay away from her or else." Said tinus.
He left her and he went to madi and try wheedle her.

"Please.I'm stupid for choosing her over you." Said tinus.

"You regret?I ain't even begging you go regret for what you've done.I appreciate for all the good thing you did to her."
"Think about it twice when you're gonna leave me.Just say you don't like me."
Said madi while she upset.
Tin stood there and madi walk by him.

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