Chapter 31

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"Oh my gawd.Oh yes.I've been waiting for this kind of romanceeeeee~!" Said random MMer/Cubies.

"Oh god.MY SWEET PIEEEEEEEE~!" Yell lily.

"YES!MY SWEET SHIT!" Yell madi.

"TinTin can you give me a minute with madi?is it ok?" ask lily.

"No,i'm okay with that.go have a time." Said tinus and he walks away.

"Thee heck!what you doing wiitt hiimmm gurl!" Said lily.

"Nothing..just random know,'friends' thing." Said madi.
And lily looked at her suspiciously.

"Like come on?'friends' thing?Be honest with me now.Don't worry,i won't tell mac or anyone." Said lily with two fingers on her hearts.

"Damn,your hard af." Said madi.

"I knoooooooooww!" Said lily.
"Agh!i give up.time to go." Said lily.
Madi nodded and followed lily.
And madi looked her phone.
                    Cockshit Fangirls

Lily4orever : how dafuq is this happen?am i really craaay cray?or something?i shoulda say i liek macii
Z.u.z.u : yes you should.idiot.HA REKT!!
Lily4orever : at least i don't look like a cockshit btw.
Z.u.z.u : yup yup yup yup yup @madi666 shit you gotta talk now...
Z.u.z.u : NOWW
Lily4orever : you heard her,SHE SAID NOPWWWWWWWWWW!!
madi666 : u faggots.wut do u want?
Lily4orever : lets met up u shitty.

Loving The One || Martinus Gunnarsen {Ep 1}~[Completed]~Where stories live. Discover now