Chapter 51

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Tinus give the cake for madi to blow the flame.

"I'll be asking you..A question.That you will never get to answer it." Said tinus.
Madi nodded.

"I will probably give you a piano if i was your 'Boy'.What would you give me if you are my 'Girl'?" Ask tinus.

"I will give you all my love from the bottom of my heart." Said madi.
All the MMers and Cubies are screaming loud as hell.

"My last words is.." said tinus.

"Notice me pleaaase~!" Said madi and she ran off from the stage.
He chased her.

"Where are you madison?" Ask tinus.

"Someewheerreee!" Said madi.

"Somewhere but where?" Ask tinus.

"Here." Said madi and she closes his eyes.
She smile and he smile.

*Skip to at the car nopw*

"Guess we're heading home now." Said lily.

"Yeah so?" Said madi.

"I just want to see you in that hair and that clothes!" Said lily.

"Why?" Ask madi.

"You looking cute AF!" Said lily.

"No you." Said madi.

"Tee-Hee!" Said lily and she chuckle.

"How is your 'Relationship' with marcus?" Ask madi.

"Very well." "How about yours?" Ask lily.

"Too well.I love a sweet boy.And kind also a polite." Said madi.

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