Chapter 50

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Mac left the stage to give tinus to speak.

"Well you guys have know my friend.The one only.Madison Olivia Walkzz/Walker.You are a really brave friend." Said tinus.
The MMers screaming Madison and Martinus name.

Mac went up to stage and sing.
Jayden went inside and grabbed madi.

"HEY!" said tinus and he ran off to the main hallway.

Jayden stopped.

"Why are you doing this...?" Ask madi.
All the MMers and Cubies went to the main hallway.

"Attack him my MMers & Cubies." Said tinus and Madi.
They attacked him.

The MMers and Cubies went inside.

"You made it,my boy." Whisper madi and she walk into the backstage.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY MATEEE!" Yell lily and some random people.

"Awh thanks." Said madi.

"You forgot something." Said lily and she left the backstage and the random people did too.
Tinus walked in with a cake in his hand.

"Come." Said tinus and he grabbed madi wrist.

"Have you ever been on the stage?" Ask tinus.

"No." Said madi.

"This is gonna be your party." "You'll be heading home with me.You'll know the way." Said tinus.

"W-What way...?" Ask madi.

"Someday...You'll find it." Said tinus and he looked down.

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