Chapter 20

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Madi leaving the house.

"She never leave the house without me...I feel weird...about her." Said lily.

"Don't be sad lily." Said mac.
Tinus silently followed Madi outside.
Mac hugging lily with her tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry.maybe she has reason left you." Said Mac.
Mac wipes Lily tears.

"Don't worry.Tinus will get her back." Said mac.

"Okay." Said Lily.
Tinus hide.

"So,What do you want from me?" Ask Madi.

"Nothing.Just wanna ask you that,do you have free time tomorrow?" Ask Jay.

"Yeah." Said Madi.

"Meet me at here,okay?" Said Jay.
Madi nodded.she went back to her house.
Tinus didn't believe what he just heard.
So tinus went to Madi house.
And he grab his book and leave.
"Wait...Tinus?Where are you going?" Ask lily,marcus & Madi.

"Why do you even care Madi?" Said Tinus.

Madi was shook.She didn't realize that Tinus followed her.

"You don't even once be honest with never told me that you and Jay are going out tomorrow.How could you leave me?" Said tinus before he left the house.

"W-What?I am being honest!You j-just don't see it.I don't wanna make Jay sad...I know...He once scold at me..." said Madi.

"Goodluck finding someone new." Said tinus and he left.

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