Chapter 25

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Madi smile at tinus.

"I'm going to get you something special.Be right back." Said tinus as he ran to something.
Madi waiting there.

*After a minute*
"Ta-Daa!I got you your favourite ice cream and a ticket for tomorrow." Said tinus happily.
Madi was shook and she hugged him.

"Thankk youuu!i love you so mucchh tinuussss!" Said madi.

"I love you too." Said tinus.

"Wait wait wait...Is tomorrow Norway Cup?" Ask Madi.
Tinus nodded.madi jumped with her happy face.
He laughed.

"Stoooppp laughing at meeee!" Said madi.

"Noooo.I ain't gonna stop.if you're not gonna stop jumping around,i won't stop." Said tinus.
Lily went to madi.

"OOOO #COUPLEGOAL2018!" Yell lily.

"Stfu Lilyy!I donnn't care.I'm happy for Tinus.He's going to Norway Cup tomorrow!I'm going there." Said Madi.
Lily nodded.Tomorrow was Madi birthday.Tinus know that was her birthday,so he suprised her something.

"UHM.did you forget me?" Ask mac to lily.

"Tee-hee.Sorry Mac for leaving you." Said lily and she chuckle.

"Wait.Are you guys only Sólo amigos or More than Sólo amigos?" Ask madi.

"Uh.We are more than Sólo Amigos." Said lily.

"Ok." Said madi.
Madi was so happy.
She went home quickly and made norway flag for tomorrow.
She also made a gift.

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