Chapter 11

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*After learning things the lunch is starting*
"Lily.You can go have a recess time with Mac.See ya." Said Madi.
Lily nodded.

"So,Jayden.tell me a bit about yourself?" Ask Madi.
At teh sit.
*after tell her about himself*
"Oh Hey Madi-Erm,Don't mind me going away." Said Tinus.
Madi don't want Tinus go away.

"Madi,Let him be.He can have a recess time with His friend or idk." Said Jayden disrespectfully.

"Oh...ok..." said madi.

Madi and Jayden getting closer and closer.
Tinus still didn't want to convince that he was jealous because of Jayden.
Madi left Tinus in the darkness and bring Jayden to the brightness.

"JAYDEN?YOU SO COOL!" Yell Madi at Jayden happily.they hugged each other.

Tinus only watch them with his eyes.He stopped looking at her it and Left her with broken feelings.
He went to a waterfalls that he found with Mac when he was younger.

"Have you seen Tinus..?He wasn't showed up his face to me since yesterday...?" Ask Madi.

"No.Forget him.You had me...?" Said Jayden.

"Oh yeah.forgot." said Madi.
*Madi minds :gosh...he's trying to stop me from seeing tinus though...*
"Jay i gotta go...See you later." Said Madi.

"Ok." Said Jayden.

Madi ran as fast as she can to find Tinus.She give up searching for him.
She asked Mac.

"MAC!where did Tinus go?" Ask Madi.

"Wait.I though he went to waterfalls...?you two were friends!how can you leave him?over jayden?" Said Mac.

"I'm so sorry.I can't go anywhere...Jayden trying to stop me from seeing Tinus." Said Madi.
Mac lead her a way to waterfalls.

Madi saw tinus sitting alone at the waterfalls.he never told her that he went to there.

"T-tinus...?" Said Madi.

He turned back and get up.

"Wut?" Ask Tinus.

"Sory.I ain't good for you." Said Madi.

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