Chapter 16

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"Yeah,I know that I'm the sun of your life.maybe your life could be miserable if i don't appear in your life.pfft." said tinus and he smirked at me.
*madi mind's : gossshhh his smile is...cute.its like an angel.i think im in love with him because of his smile.*

"Madi?are you there?" Ask tinus while he's waving his hands infront of my eyes.

"GOSH!you made me shook!" Said madi seriously in shook.

"Oh sorry." Said tinus.

"No no no it's okay.I wondered if the teacher would give us homework." Said madi.

"Yeah." Said tinus.
They on a conversation and keep talking until they went to their class.

"Okay,the end of our conversation." Said tinus and he smirked and madi nodded and sit.

"So...Are you going to be a thing to tinus?" Ask jay.

"Maybe." Said madi.
And the teacher stepped in out of no where and said
"Class!I wanted you guys to pick your own partner since we have new kid that actually a be nice with her."

She sit next to Tinus.

"I knew she would sit next to him..." said madi and then she glared at her.

"Hi!" Said Kendall.

"Uhm,hi?" Said Tinus.

"Nice to meet you!I'm kendall.What's your name?" Ask kendall.

"My name is Martinus,but you can call me tinus for short...?" Said tinus.
Madi was so angry until she handful her fingers.
But tinus picked Madi as his partner.
Mac picked lily as his partner.

It was thursday.

Loving The One || Martinus Gunnarsen {Ep 1}~[Completed]~Where stories live. Discover now