Chapter 35

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"I just want to ask tin that,can we just start again?I don't wanna see Lizzy once in my life again." Said madi.

"Just pretend like she's not there." Said lily.

"Okay." Said madi.
Madi knew Tin likes her more than Lizzy.

"What really happen to you both?Clearly i can't tell you why i wanna know." Ask lily.

"It was sweet Lizzy.she started all of this.I have so much pressure." Said madi.

"I know.But..I ship you and Tin so bad.I don't want your friendship with tin ruined because of Lizzy." Said lily.

"You know,you always cheer me up with those make my day.I ship you and maci too but weird thing is,
He always said weird thing." Said madi.

"True." Said lily.
"Remember that,Lizzy is someone who you don't needed me,marcus and martinus.that's all you NEED." Said lily.

"But,tin left me for Lizzy." Said madi.

"I understand that.But you should talk to him like think twice before making decision.don't tell yourself you're are perfect the way you are.just trust me." Said lily.
Madi nodded and she hugged lily.

"See you in school tomorrow." Said madi.

"See ya." Said lily.
They went to bed and forget the thing they said.

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