Chapter 43

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"" said madi.
She wake up and she turned back with a knife in her hands.
Jayden getting near her.

"Back off." Said madi and she point her knife to Jay.
Jay back off and ran out of the house.
Madi hands shaking and let the knife.

"What really happen...?" Said madi.
She closed her eyes.
Madi heard someone waking up.
She opened her eyes,tinus aren't there.
Madi sighting and left the house.

"Madi?Did you realize I ain't even here...?" Said tin.
She shook and she turned around.

"Oh...I'm sorry.Didn't see you there." Said madi.

"C'mon.Don't be sad." Said tin.

"Tin.Are you up to something?You look happy..." said madi.

"It's because..You saved me from a psychopath." Said tin.

"It's nothing.I just don't like him.He though i liked him.While I'm not." Said madi.

"Oh." Said tin.
He pour water in a glass and drink.

"You look thirsty.Like you never drink for 1 month." Said madi and she grin.

"Stop.I always drink." Said tin.
She laughed and he stood there and smile.

"I'll go to my house.Hope to see you there." Said madi and she left the house.
He went upstairs.

"Phew.That was long." Said madi in her mind.

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