Chapter 18

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Tinus only ask madi why did she slammed her door.

"What happen tinus?" Ask mac.

"Nothing.She's-." Madi shut his mouth.

"He means,uhh Anxiety!" Said madi. And madi let his mouth free and he nodded.

"That's what I'm gonna say." Said tinus.

"Madi can you at least go away?We're going to discuss about the teacher group project.we need privacy." Said Lily and Kendall.

"LILY.KENDALL.ATTITUDE." said mac & tinus.

"Oh.she already wanted to suicide?I would be happy if she's going to suicide anyway.She need to get a life and-." Said Kendall and Mac & Tinus shut her mouth and get her out of madi house.

"Next time,we don't want to invite you." Said Tinus and He glared at kendall and he slam the door infront of kendall.

"Phew...I'm sorry guys.She literally forced me to acting very rude." Said Lily.

"Wait...Does Madi actually have anxiety...?she didn't tell me about it.I need to figure it out." Said tinus.

"Wait.She does?Let me ask her." Said Lily.
Lily knocked madi door and lily opened the door and ask madi.

"Hey...I'm sorry about the situation before..." said lily.

"No,it's...Okay.i already solved a problem that i had." Said madi.

"Ok.but tinus wondered if you really having anxiety..?" Said lily.

"No.I didn't have anxiety." Said madi.

"Okay.Just tell me if you need anything." Said lily.madi nodded and lily leave her room and continue on the group project.
After a minute,they laugh.

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