Chapter 44

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Madi arrived at her house and close her door.
She went upstairs.

"I need to control myself.I don't to be overreact.Just be a normal girl." Said madi to her own reflection infront of a mirror.
She hear a knock.she went downstair excitedly.
She saw tinus standing infront of her.

"Oh Hey.Again." said madi and she smile.

"Hey." Said tinus.

"So you're going to 'Baby sitting' me?" Ask madi.

"Sort of." Said tinus.

"Then,come in." Said madi.

"Okay." Said tinus and he stepped in.

"Be right back!" Said madi and she went upstair.
She wrote something's about tinus that she liked.
'He's The one for me or someone?'
'He light my future.I like his eyes.'
'I like his shirt and fingers.'.
She went back to tinus.

"What do you wanna do?" Ask madi.

"I don't know." Said tinus.

"Okay." Said madi.
They'd do nothing until dinner.

"Hey..It's getting dark.I'm going home.Okay?" Said tin.

"Oh..Okay." said madi.

"I'll be right back.I will return to your house after I clean my house." Said tinus.

"Can i come?" Ask madi.

"Uh sure?" Said tinus.
Madi followed tinus to his house.
She sat at his chair while tinus was taking a shower.

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