Chapter 52{The End.}

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*Madi and lily finally arrived at madi's house*

"Home sweet home!" Said madi.
Lily nodded.

"I'm always off to bed." Said lily.

"Same." Said madi.
They went off to bed.

*Next day.*

"Ah.It's morning.." said madi.

"Maateeee!Come downstair!You gotta see this!" Said lily.

"Comin later." Said madi.
She went get ready and She dressed up beautifully.

"What?" Ask madi.

"Look!marcus and martinus is gonna invite 2 their first kiss girl to a date.maybe not us." Said lily.

"Yeah...We're unlucky girl.But at least,we love ourself.Aren't we?" Ask madi.

"Yes!We're ARMY!" Said lily.
Madi nodded.

"Oh and mac & tinus invited us to have a dinner alone." Said lily.

"Cool..I guess." Said madi.

"Oh c'mon!you gotta looking good for your bae." Said lily.

"Shut.the.fuck.up.please." said madi.

"Ok ok ok.Chill." said lily.

"I'd prefer to get a coffee by now." Said madi.

"I want to follow yoouuu!" Said lily.

"Okay.Let's go." Said madi.
They went to a café together.
After getting their ice coffee.

"Finally.I don't have to suffer tiredness anymore." Said lily.

" still!" Said madi and she pushed lily aside.

"No!I don't have to suffer it anymore!" Said lily.
They laughed at each other.

I appreciate all loves and support from all MMers and other people.
It's hard for me to give my own idea to this story.
My IQ has begone because of Science and Math exam.
Fuck.I'm gonna jump off from a roof.
No i ain't.I work with one of my friends.
She give me idea to make this kind story.
- Ivory♡

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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