Chapter 34

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*After lily tells her everything*

"I get it.So,you're telling me that I won't have a sandwich,if i don't go on a date with Martinus?" Ask madi.

"Yup." Said lily.

"Girl,i wish i ain't even alive right now.You stupido marijuana." Said madi.

"Sorry mate.I don't want to buy everyone sandwich.It kinda suck.yes.suck." said lily.

"I forgive you.but sometimes,use your frickin brain when your saying things to me." Said madi.
Madi saw Tin with Lizzy.

"Looks like I shouldn't go on a date with him while he's on a date with different girl." Said madi and then she glared at lizzy.
"Such an asshole." Said madi and she leans against the tree.

"But you know deep inside that he will comparing her with you?" Said lily.

"Oh.I'd rather be with you than him.i know he understand my feelings for him but you know better." Said madi.

"Awh.thanks.but I'd rather be with you and macii than anyone else." Said lily.

"We've been in here for like an hour.let's go back to my house." Said madi.
Lily nodded and cleans.
Tin felt simpathy for the thing he did to madi.
He left Lizzy for madi.
They arrived at madi house.

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