Chapter 41

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Lily grabbed madi's hands and ran to her house.

"What the fuck..." said madi.

"Sorry.I just saw Jay walking behind us." Said lily.

"Oh.You concern about me getting stabbed by a psychopath?" Said madi.

"Yes.You're my friend.I should concern about you.I don't you to be stabbed by a psychopath for no reason!" Said lily.

"I'm going to bed." Said madi.

"Okay ma'am!" Said lily.
They went to their bed at the same time.
Madi wake up and saw no one at her house.
She went downstairs,she see a note with a food on it.
It wrotes,
'Sorry...My parents called me at 4am and they have emergency.I had to go to the hospital immidiately.Tinus will be there in any min because i tell him.Maci followed me.I hope you're okay.'

"I hope your parents okay too..." said madi and she eating her food.
After eating her food,she went upstairs and getting ready.
After getting ready,she went downstair and sit on her couch while waiting for tinus.
She fall asleep at her couch.she heard someone's knocking on her door.

"Who's there...?" Ask madi.
And there's no reply.she went to the kitchen and grab a knife.
She opened her front door.

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