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Park Soomin was a 19 year old college student studying English literature and renting an apartment with her incredibly talented brother, Park Jimin.

She was a foul-mouthed girl who was constantly bickering with her friends and lacked proper manners. She'd never clean around the apartment, forcing Jimin to wash her laundry and spend each afternoon washing dishes in the kitchen. She was pretty arrogant and aloof, but deep down she was down to earth and caring, in her own twisted way.

Soomin didn't get very close to people, as someone with philophobia, she was deathly afraid of falling in love. The word love absolutely terrifies her, the fact that she felt vulnerable to even feel such feelings was making her feel anxious every single day. So, she didn't have any male friends except for Jungkook, who was openly gay, never afraid to publicly express his preference for men. That's the main reason why Soomin let him in her circle.

It was a Friday night and Soomin lay sprawled out on her couch with her heated up laptop resting on her lap and her legs propped up on the coffee table. She was stuffing her face with jellies as she worked on an assignment, hoping to get some sort of creative flow from the sugar rush she was experiencing. To her disappointment, her brain wouldn't cooperate and with a groan, she slammed her laptop shut and grabbed her phone, hoping to find a source of entertainment on Instagram.

She scrolled through her feed, rolling her eyes at her friends showing off their amazing bodies and exciting nights full of partying and shoving tongues down people's throats.

She stopped scrolling as a handsome guys face popped up on her screen. His light blonde hair tied back with a bandana, forehead on full display as he leant against a wall with a fierce look on his face. She scoffed, ''looks like a typical fuckboy'' she thought to herself as she liked the post and left a comment.

someanmin: you look like a total fuckboy, yet you give off this angelic aura. wtf bruh

With a sigh, she put her phone down and opened her laptop, hoping to finally get started on that assignment she left until last minute, as usual.

The front door opened in a boisterous manner, revealing a cheerful Jimin who carried a pizza box in his left hand. He roughly knocked Soomin's legs off the coffee table to make room for the pizza box.

''Hey, asshole! I'll kick you," she exclaimed as she glared at a grinning Jimin standing in front of her.

''Soomin, stop being a bitch and listen to what I have to say.''

She sat up, placing her laptop on the empty space beside her, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at him expectantly.

''What? Don't tell me you're pregnant, Park Jimin,'' she said.

''Yah, pabo, I don't think pregnancy works like that,'' he retorted.

''Anyways, listen. I got a part time job! So let's celebrate your brothers success, shall we?'' he exclaimed as he gestured to the pizza box laying on the coffee table, it's smell tickling Soomin's nose as she felt her stomach rumble.

''Wow, you finally accomplished something in your life, brother,'' she said with a smirk.

Jimin playfully punched her arm as he plopped down beside her, putting his arm around her shoulders.

''Aren't you proud?'' he cooed.

Soomin glared at her brother with a look of pure disgust.

''Don't touch me, you peasant,'' she said with a straight face as she opened the box, examining the beauty within and taking a slice.

''You're so cold as always, Soomin,'' he fake cried as he took the slice from her hands, sinking his teeth into it.

''Yah! Get your own,'' she esxlaimed, playfully smacking Jimins thigh.

He grinned at her with a mouth full of cheese, causing Soomin to look away in revulsion.

She grabbed another slice and stuffed it into her mouth as she too a hold of her phone with her free hand and clicked on the Instagram app.

She clicked on her notifications and nearly choked on the cheese in her mouth as she stared at her phone screen.

''Soomin? Are you okay? Did you just receive nudes or-''

''Yah! Look at this,'' she exclaimed with a full mouth as she shoved her phone into Jimins face.

guccitaehyung has liked your comment

guccitaehyung has started following you

Jimin stared at the phone screen in shock. ''Wow, a guy has started following you, what's the big dea-''

''Dude, look at his follower count,'' she said as she clicked on his profile.

''2 million followers? Well shit, that's impressive."

Soomin blinked multiple times before she noticed another notification.

It was a direct message from the user guccitaehyung.

''Seriously? You've gotta be kidding me,'' she said out loud as she chewed on her pizza.

''What now?''

"He dmed me.''

''What? Girl slide into his dms right now!'' Jimin shouted, jumping up from the sofa for a dramatic effect.

She rolled her eyes and clicked on her dms.

guccitaehyung: hello

guccitaehyung: you've got an interesting user

''Oh boy, what did I get myself into?'' she thought.

Hello! Hope you like this story, it's not gonna be a long one but i liked the idea and decided to give it a shot uwu thanks for reading!

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