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Soomin stared at her screen, debating whether she should reply to the boy or not. She clicked on his profile and scrolled though his posts, they consisted of daily selfies and occasional photos of food and a small black dog that always looked angry with his fierce, brown eyebrows.

''Girl, ask him to be your sugardaddy,'' Jimin said.

''Are you nuts?'' she snapped.

Jimin raised his eyebrow at her. ''Do you see how many followers he has? He's gotta be loaded, honey if you don't dm him I will,'' he said in a teasingly manner.

Soomin rolled her eyes at her obnoxiously annoying brother and decided to text the guy back.

Soomeanmin: thanks man

She didn't have to wait long for a reply.

Guccitaehyung: im taehyung nice to meet you

Soomeanmin: sorry but why did you even text me

Guccitaehyung: your comment made me laugh and uh I guess I wanted to be friends

Soomeanmin: are you seriously telling me a guy with 2 mil followers wants to be friends with a girl who has 34 followers and half of them are her family

Guccitaehyung: is it that weird

Soomeanmin: i don't trust you

Soomeanmin: do me a favour and piss off

Guccitaehyung: ouch

Guccitaehyung: my hearteu

Soomeanmin: id apologise but i don't care

Guccitaehyung: i like you

Soomeanmin: good for you

And with that, Soomin closed the Instagram app and put her phone away. She thought Taehyung was just playing a prank on her, maybe for a video or something. With a sigh, she returned to her assignment, determined to actually start it, yet her thoughts drifted elsewhere.

''Soomin,'' Yeri moaned as she greeted her friend by the vending machine, where the girl casually dressed in sweatpants and a plain black shirt, was waiting on her can of black iced coffee to pop out of the opening at the bottom of the rusty machine.

Soomin wasn't a person who liked cuddles and touching other people, she really disliked it, yet she couldn't help but pull her best friend, Yeri, into a hug as the girl tiredly dragged her legs over to her before being engulfed by her body, holding onto her tightly.

''What's up, buttercup?'' Soomin said, her head buried into her hair. Yeri was 5'2 while Soomin was 5'7, which was a significant difference  when cuddling each other.

''Assignment,'' Yeri started as she rubbed her eyes sleepily. ''I stayed up all night and I barely got anything done,'' she groaned, her squeaky tone making Soomin roll her eyes at the  cuteness overload right under her nose.

''I know how you feel, except I ditched my assignment and slept for 6 hours~,'' Soomin chirped happily.

Yeri looked up at her best friend, a pout decorating her face.

''You're so mean," she mumbled. She resembled a small child who didn't get what they wanted from their parents, trying to act all cute to guilt trip them, leading to the child ultimately getting what they want.

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