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Soomin sat at the dining table, playing around with the spoon she had dipped into her soup. She had completely lost her appetite after her encounter with Namjoon who seemed just as persistent as ever, yet in a way that made her somehow feel guilty.

Why on earth would she feel guilty? Namjoon broke her heart in more ways than one and yet she still felt a small pang in her heart as she recalled how she had been treating him in the past few weeks.

Not only that has been eating away at her, the thought of Taehyung sent a wave of pain rush and instantaneously spread throughout her entire body. He didn't do anything wrong, he was the sweetest guy she had ever met and yet her stupid phobia had to ruin everything for her.

The thought of Taehyung liking her in a romantic way scared her to death.

What scared her more however, were her own feelings she constantly brushed under the rug, fully aware she couldn't do that forever.

She let go of the spoon, letting it drown in the thick soup and abruptly smacked her cheeks with her hands, causing them to turn a bright red hue.

"Wake up, Soomin. He's a douchebag, you don't need to feel sorry for him. And stop ignoring Taehyung you dumb bitch, '' she muttered under her breath.

Jimin emerged from his bedroom with a towel draped over his shoulder, his bleached blonde hair soaked in water, droplets falling onto the floor.

''You're not hungry? Wow, that's new,'' he said as he stared at the untouched bowl of soup on the table.

''I cooked it for you and you won't even try it, I'm upset!'' he exclaimed dramatically, placing a hand over his chest signalizing the aching of his heart.

Soomin wasn't in the mood to react to her brothers attempts of provoking her and instead she pushed the bowl of soup as far as she could and left the room, heading straight for her bed.

Jimin sensed that something was wrong, normally by this time Soomin would actively engage in throwing objects at him or bicker with him in hopes of pissing him off, why was she just simply ignoring him? He followed her and watched as she jumped onto her bed, letting her duvet swallow her up, rolling around in it until she resembled a burrito.

''Soomin? Are you okay?'' he asked.

He received no answer, or rather not the answer he was looking forward to. Soomin squirmed around in her bed, successfully hiding her face from Jimin and remained silent.

Jimin wasn't going to give up, he sat on the edge of the bed, continuing to observe his sisters strange behaviour.

''Soomin, i can see that somethings wrong, you know you can talk to me, right?''

Soomin didn't move a muscle and remained tangled up in the duvet, she found it hard to breathe but preferred to suffocate rather than face her concerned brother.

Jimin let out a frustrated sigh as he slowly stood up, his eyes still focused on Soomins form. He thought about leaving her be and exiting the room, but he was too worried about her, and so that feeling drove him to jump on top of her, trying his best to forcefully pry her out of the cocoon she trapped herself in.

''Hey! What do you think you're doing?'' she yelled as Jimin literally ripped the duvet out of her grasp, causing him to stumble backwards and fall off the bed with a loud thump, the duvet covering his body.

''You're an idiot,'' he heard Soomin mutter as he tossed the duvet to the other side of the room.

"I just prevented you from becoming a butterfly."

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