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Taehyung didn't say a word, his gaze focused on the girl sitting on the swing beside him, her small trembling frame raising his concern for her. She looked so vulnerable, fragile. He wanted nothing more than to reassure her that he wasn't going to judge  or ridicule her.

''Soomin,'' he started, looking at her in hopes of gaining her attention. She didn't look up, her eyes were glued to the mucky ground and damp grass, but she let him know she was listening by slightly lifting her head and playing with a strand of her hair.

''Thank you for telling me, I know it must have been very hard, I appreciate it,'' he said, placing his hand on hers he gave it a gentle squeeze.

''I'm happy you trust me enough to tell me something so personal. I've honestly never heard of Philophobia, but now that I'm aware of it, it must be so hard for you,'' he continued.

His grip tightened and Soomin finally looked up at him, their eyes met in that moment. She wasn't trembling anymore, her mind was calm and her hand fit perfectly in his.

She didn't regret telling him, not one bit. She could feel herself trusting him even more within each day, which was dangerous.

It was dangerous, in her eyes Taehyung was dangerous.

Not in the physical sense, or any other. She was terrified that she'd start to care for him in such a way that's unacceptable for her, because of her phobia.

She pushed her fears aside and flashed Taehyung a wide smile.

''Thank you, Taehyung. I don't regret telling you this, thank you, I really needed to get it off my chest,'' she said softly.

Taehyung returned the gesture with a big boxy smile.

''Its no problem, I care about you, you can tell me anything.''

The words ''i care about you'' sent Soomins kind into mild havoc, but she forced herself to calm down.

''It's okay, it's going to be okay,'' she repeated to herself in her mind like a mantra.

They sat peacefully in silence with hands entwined and a fuzzy feeling in their hearts. It was a comfortable silence.

The sun slowly started to set and the sky was a brilliant shade of orange and lilac, they both admired the beautiful scenery in peace.

Until it started getting progressively dark and Taehyung suggested that he'd walk Soomin home, to which she protested, saying she could look out for herself, but Taehyung wouldn't let that happen and insisted on it. In the end they walked home together, both of them engaged in a deep conversation.

She felt safe with him, she finally felt that way with someone who wasn't Yeri or Jungkook, her two closest friends.

They both arrived at their destination and there was no denying it, they didn't want to part ways. It was too obvious.

''Let's see each other again, okay? And if you ever need to talk just send me a message,'' Taehyung said.

Soomin smiled warmly at him. ''Okay. Thank you, Taehyung,'' she whispered.

Taehyungs gaze wandered from her mesmerising eyes to her full, rosy lips. His eyes stayed there for longer than intended. Before he could process what was happening, Soomins arms were around his waist, pulling him closer to her.

For someone who didn't like being touchy with others, she sure did find herself touching him a lot lately. She couldn't believe it herself, it was such a rare thing for her to do but with Taehyung it was so easy, way too easy.

There were warning signs popping up in her head, telling her to get away from him, that he'd only hurt and use her, just like Namjoon. But she pushed those thoughts away, she was tired of hearing the same thing over and over in her head.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around her and they embraced for what seemed like hours. They finally pulled away from each other and said their goodbyes, Taehyung had to force his legs to cooperate with him as he walked away, he really didn't want to leave.

But he could always see her another day, all he had to do was arrange a meeting.

The two were slowly becoming aware of the butterflies in their stomachs and the visible electricity, the static that appears when they're together.

But feelings are a complicated thing, it's never that easy is it?


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