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A week had passed, Soomin groggily attended all of her classes at University with Yeri, whilst drinking an unhealthy amount of coffee everyday.

She has been in touch with Taehyung who liked to spam her with messages during her English lecture. She'd sneakily text him whilst hiding her phone behind the pile of books she placed on her desk. Yeri kept stealing glances at their conversation and tried to muffle her laughter, only bringing attention to herself in the end.

It was the day before Soomin was going to finally meet Taehyung, the boy who reached out to her among all of his 2 million followers.

Soomeanmin: tae

Soomeanmin: where will we meet up tomorrow?

Guccitaehyung: hmm

Guccitaehyung: well at least we both live in Seoul

Guccitaehyung: hold on I'll think of something

Soomeanmin: alright

Guccitaehyung: how about that penguins cafe in Seocho-gu? the photoshoot will be in a place not far and we can meet for coffee before the shoot

Guccitaehyung: how does that sound?

Soomeanmin: good

Soomeanmin: I'll see you there

Guccitaehyung: i can't wait ^-^

Soomin locked her phone and put it in her pocket. She glanced at the big clock hanging on the wall in the lecture room, "Twenty minutes left and I can go home," she thought as she rested her chin against her palm, staring at the blank wall and ignoring the professor's speech.

It was the day, the day where Soomin would finally meet Taehyung at the cafe. She, for the first time in her life, willingly woke up early to take a shower and get dressed, she even made breakfast for her brother, Jimin.

Soomin has never made breakfast, let alone for Jimin, too.

''Oh my god? What's happening? Is today the day the world ends?'' Jimin said as he watched Soomin push a plate towards him with scrambled eggs, pieces of bacon and a slice of buttered toast on it, making him gasp at the sight before him.

''Who are you and what did you do to my sister?" he questioned.

Soomin rolled her eyes, wacking him in the head with a spatula.

''Since I'm up early, I might as well make some breakfast, no need to be rude," she replied, waving the spatula around as if to swat a fly.

Jimin looked at her suspiciously but didn't question her further as he dug into his food, munching happily on his toast.

Soomin ate her breakfast along with her brother and glanced at her phone, she still had an hour left until she'd have to leave the house and catch a bus.

''You going on a date or something?'' Jimin asked as he carefully placed his empty plate into the sink.

Soomin played around with the last bit of bacon with her chopstick, "No, I'm meeting up with someone," she said, her gaze focused on the grease staining the otherwise perfectly white plate.

''Hm? Sounds like a date!" he exclaimed, snatching the chopsticks from her hands and swiftly placing the piece of bacon into his mouth.

Soomin seemed unfazed, which was weird, as she hated when anyone took her food. She'd practically murder them for even looking at it.

''Not a date, asshole,'' she mumbled as she kept checking her phone.

Jimin raised an eyebrow at her, but decided to leave her be and went off to get ready for his shift.

Soomin stayed seated in the kitchen, her legs dangling off the chair. She couldn't understand why her hands began to sweat as the minutes passed, why was she feeling nervous? It was just a meeting with Taehyung, sure, he was Instagram famous, but that's no reason to be nervous. Is it?

With a sigh she jumped off the chair and grabbed her keys, heading out of the apartment without even saying goodbye to Jimin.

She waited impatiently at the bus stop, cursing under her breath as the bus took its sweet time. She closed her eyes as she leaned against the wall, her earphones tucked into her ears, the sweet melody of her favourite song filling her ears. Her eyes shot open as she sensed movement and sure enough, her bus had arrived. She hurriedly hopped on, purchasing a ticket and sitting comfortably at the very back, her head resting against the window.

She watched the unfamiliar streets of Seoul through the window, taking in the beautiful streets, various coffee shops and beautifully dressed people.

She jumped up when she realised the next bus stop was Seocho-gu, her destination. She held onto the handrail for support as the bus stopped, thanking the driver she set her foot onto the pavement. The cold wind blew into her face, causing her to scrunch up her nose in discomfort. She mentally punched herself as she noticed she didn't take a jacket with her, but shrugged it off. Her immune system was unbeatable so she had nothing to worry about.

Her uncharacteristic outfit caused Soomin to stand in the street awkwardly. She rarely ever wore nice clothes, let alone skirts, and there she was, wearing a white and black tennis skirt along with a plain black tee and converse. She resembled one of those Instagram models, except she was no model, just a girl who usually paraded around town in simple sweats, messy hair and a bag of potato chips in her hand.

Glancing around, she noticed the Penguins Cafe on the other side of the street, carefully crossing it she entered the cafe. It was a very cosy café, looking around she noticed a glass cabinet with plushies inside, most of them were penguins and even recognised a few pokemon sitting on display behind the glass. ''Cute," she thought.

She took a seat at one of the tables, deciding she'd wait for Taehyung there. A young girl dressed in an apron approached her with a wide smile and a card in her hands. She handed it to Soomin, her smile turning into a toothy grin.

''Welcome! Take your time to order, when you're ready just call me,'' she said over-enthusiastically.

Soomin politely nodded and uttered a ''thank you'' before skimming through the menu.

Around ten minutes had passed before Soomins ears perked up at the sound of the door opening. She turned around and laid her eyes on the man standing in the entrance. Her heart sped up tremendously at the sight.

It was him. Heart shaped face, dirty blonde hair styled messily, his bangs nearly covering his dark brown eyes. His ruby lips twisted into a smile as he locked eyes with the girl sitting alone at the table.

He came closer, not daring to break the eye contact, until he stood directly in front of her.

She couldn't take her eyes of his beauty, he was even more good looking in real life compared to social media.

''Nice to finally meet you, Soomin.''

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