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Soomin popped a coin into the vending machine and impatiently waited for her coffee to fall into the slot below, standing with her arms crossed, tapping her left foot against the floor. She eagerly took it, opening the can straight away and chugging the black coffee as of her life depended on it.

''Man, the only things that get me through college are black coffee and my weird ass friends,'' she muttered quietly to herself.

She felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket and swiftly whipped it out, unlocking it and clicking on the new notification.

It was a message from Taehyung, her face immediately lit up.

Guccitaehyung  good morning soomin

Soomeanmin   good morning gucci boy

Guccitaehyung  did u sleep well >.<

Soomeanmin  why are u using cringey emoticons are u 5 years old

Guccitaehyung  don't judge me

Soomeanmin   i judge everyone don't take it too personally uwu

Guccitaehyung  👀 anyways

Guccitaehyung  ive got some time off today so i was wondering.. do u want to have that movie marathon at ur house? 👉👈

Soomeanmin  if u stop using emojis then sure

Guccitaehyung  okay! when do u finish classes?

Soomeanmin  in an hour, so meet me in front of my apartment in 1.5 hours?

Guccitaehyung  ill be there >o< see u later!!!!!

Soomeanmin  yikes ur cringey

Soomeanmin  see u later

Soomin locked her phone and shoved it back into her pocket, she found herself chewing on her lip nervously as she thought about Taehyung coming over to her house. She didn't want to consider it a date, yet a part of her was convinced it was indeed a date. She grabbed her hair with her both hands as she furiously shook her head.

''Soomin, what are you thinking, this isn't a date! Just act normal it's not that hard, jesus, get a grip woman,'' she thought to herself, feeling the blood furiously travel to her cheeks, causing her to look extremely flushed.

She drank the remaining amount of coffee in her can, crushed it and threw it into the trashcan. The can bounced off the can, it missed and fell onto the floor with a loud thud. Soomin let out a frustrated sigh.

''I hate myself,'' she muttered as she made her way back to class she was currently missing.


Taehyung was waiting for Soomin with his back leaking against the gate to her apartment. He might have gotten too excited and arrived too early, but he didn't mind waiting. He killed some time by scrolling through various social media sites on his phone and replying to comments on his instagram posts.

He nearly jumped up as his screen froze and Jin's photo popped up. His heart sank, could he want him for work? But he wanted to spend the day with Soomin.

He debated whether he should answer the call or simply ignore it, but his mind wandered back to another incident where he didn't call Jin back, that man barely ever gets angry but when he does he's terrifying. He probably wouldn't hesitate to skin Taehyung alive once he showed up at the studio.

Taehyung, having no intention of dying young, answered the call.


''Taehyung! Sweetie I know it's your day off, but can you come do a photoshoot at 3? I need you! This is urgent!''

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his bosses condescending voice, he sounded desperate and taehyung wasn't going to refuse knowing that Jin wouldn't let him live if he did. His boss was way too passionate about work, but it was his purpose in life, he couldn't judge that, for he didn't have any bigger purposes in his life after all.

Taehyung was a model, he had money, fame, and good looks. What more could he want, right? He wasn't happy, the one thing he lacked was happiness.

Taehyung had accidentally gotten lost in thought whilst on the phone with his boss, he cleared his throat and let out a
exasperated sigh.

''I'll be there, but i might be late as im at Soomins house, it's quite far form the studio.''

He heard Jin audibly gasp from the other side of the phone.

''Taehyung!'' he yelled.


''Bring her with you! You must!''

Taehyung questioned his bosses words, why on earth did he want him to come with Soomin?

''Uh, I can try to convince her. Why should I bring her though?''

Jin squealed into the phone. ''You'll see, bye! See you in 3 hours!''

Before Taehyung could question Jins straight behaviour even further, he had already hung up, leaving him feeling confused.

''I swear if Jin planned something weird...'' he thought.

Before he could space out as millions of different thoughts found their way inside of his head, he heard footsteps approaching, swiftly turning around he laid his eyes on Soomins form. Her lilac colored hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail and very glossy lipstick. She smacked her lips as she noticed Taehyung standing by the gate.

''So, you've made it,'' she nervously retorted as she stopped directly in front of him.

Taehyung flashed her his signature boxy smile, the one she adored so much. ''Of course I am, nothings more important than watching movies with you.''

Soomin felt an intense burning sensation in the pit of her stomach, almost as if the butterflies she was experiencing were trying to devour her from the inside.

''R-Right, come on, follow me  peasant,'' she said with a grin as she opened the gate, motioning for Taehyung to follow her.

''Gladly,'' he muttered, trailing after the girl.

there's not many chapters left until this book is finished!!! stay tuned 4 the next chapter ayyy thanks for reading hope u enjoyed yeet 

there's not many chapters left until this book is finished!!! stay tuned 4 the next chapter ayyy thanks for reading hope u enjoyed yeet 

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