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Soomin, without taking off her jacket or shoes jumped onto her comfy sofa in the living room, practically burying her face into the fluffy cushions.

Taehyung watched her with amusement etched onto his face.

''Aren't you going to.. take off your shoes at least?''

Soomin flipped herself over so she was laying on her back.

''I guess I should but I'm a lazy bitch.''

Taehyung let out a giggle as he watched her stretch her limbs, letting out the cutest yawn he's ever heard.

Soomin took off her shoes and jacket, tossing them aside without a care in the world. She tapped the empty space beside her on the sofa, encouraging Taehyung to sit beside her. He obliged, carefully placing his shoes near the front door and without warning jumped onto the sofa resulting in a surprised Soomin initiating a pillow fight, hitting him with a fluffy pillow in the face, seeking vengeance for scaring her in the way he did. Taehyung covered his face with his hands, trying his best to shield himself from Soomins aggressive attacks until he started fighting back with a pillow of his own.

Two grown adults striking each other with pillows and screeching like little kids, it sure was an astonishing sight for Jimin who had just came back from work. He stood still, watching the scene in front of him, feeling dumbstruck.

Soomin ultimately pressed the pillow she was holding into Taehyungs face, hoping to ''playfully suffocate'' him, but her plan seemed to have backfired as Taehyung accidentally pushed her too hard and Soomin ended up falling off the sofa, clutching the pillow with both of her hands, dragging Taehyung along with her as he stupidly tried to catch her.

Taehyung found himself on top of Soomin, his hands hoisting him up as to not squash her with his body. There was an unexplainable kind of tension in the air, it wasn't awkward or sexual.. it was an unidentifiable feeling the two have never felt before. Soomins murderous glare transitioned into a soft stare, she didn't dare look away as Taehyungs eyes were focused on her only.

''Don't things like these happen in those stupid k-dramas? Is my life becoming a k-drama? Please no,'' she thought as she felt her cheeks redden from Taehyungs intense stare. She refrained from squirming around, despite being in a humiliating position, she didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable. It was strange, but what was stranger was the burning feeling that was only growing stronger inside of their hearts.

Who knew that a silly pillow fight could be the catalyst to igniting their flame of emotion, the awakening of their feelings they weren't exactly aware of.

The magical moment had quickly perished, however. Jimin covered his mouth in an attempt to stop himself from bursting out laughing, but he couldn't help himself.

Both Taehyung and Soomin simultaneously looked up to find Jimin standing over them with one hand on his stomach as his laughs filled the sudden silence that fell upon them.

''How old are you guys? I didn't think that I'd come home to find my sister having a pillow fight with an instagram model instead of a make out session in our living room!'' he exclaimed, followed by another fit of laughter.

The feeling of extreme embarrassment fueled Soomins decision to mercilessly push Taehyung off her, causing him to fall backwards onto his butt.

''Why do these things happen to me? God? Are you listening?'' she exclaimed, looking up at the ceiling in hopes of receiving an answer. To her displeasure, nothing happened.

She dramatically fell to her knees with her hands crossed.

''What the hell are you doing?'' Jimin questioned as he wiped the last bit of tears from his eyes, he laughed so hard he ended up crying.

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