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''Are you going to the party this weekend?''

Soomin lifted her head up to face her best friend who stood across from her with a pastel pink mug in her hands.

''I don't know, are you going?'' she asked, boldly placing her legs on the coffee table, carefully as to not knock down her laptop onto the ground, saving it from smashing into smithereens.

Soomin liked parties, she liked meeting new people and opening way too many beer cans over the loudly blaring music. She liked watching people become so intoxicated they'd trip over their own two feet and stumble around the place.

But she wasn't sure about going to that specific party, it was going to be hosted by one of Namjoons friends, meaning he'd definitely be there and thats the last thing she wanted, to meet a drunk Namjoon at a party. He wouldn't waste a second, Soomin knew that.

She wouldn't let herself get provoked by him. He didn't intimidate her anymore, just irritated her to the point where she would imagine various different murder scenarios with Namjoon being the victim and Soomin the murderer. It didn't even surprise her, at that point.

''If you're going then so am I.''

Yeri placed her scalding cup of tea on the table and took a seat beside Soomin, wrapping her frail arms around her the two girls snuggled on the couch.

''Wow, get a room you two!'' exclaimed Jimin who entered the living room in nothing more than a lime green towel wrapped around his abdomen. His bleached blonde hair drenched with water, tiny droplets found themselves falling onto his chest. His body was covered in those tiny droplets, glistening against his sun-kissed skin. He looked incredibly hot, no doubt about that.

Yeri found herself staring at her best friends brother with lots of unholy thoughts swimming through her brain, she quickly whooshed them away as she forced herself to close her eyes and aggressively shake her head.
Soomin grabbed one of the pillows laying next to her and threw it full force at Jimin, who had no time to duck and found himself covering his lower body as the towel swiftly fell off and landed on the floor.

Soomins face portrayed nothing more than pure disgust as she began throwing random objects at her brother who ultimately ran away with a squeal, slamming his bedroom door behind him.

"Wear some goddamn clothes next time you pervert! Jesus christ,'' Soomin yelled as she brought her hand to her forehead. Yeri sat on the couch quietly, her cheeks flushed from the chaotic events, still trying to process what she had just witnessed.

Soomin looked around, examining the mess she had accidentally made, but instead of cleaning it up she sighed loudly and flopped back onto the couch.

''Sorry about that Yeri, my brother has no brain cells," she said.

Yeri placed her hands on her flushed cheeks, "I-It's okay,'' she said softly.

''Yeri,'' Soomin started, her eyes focused on the various objects laying on the ground. ''Let's go to that party, hopefully I won't have to murder Namjoon if he's there,'' she said.

Yeri smiled widely at her best friend.

''Don't worry! Jungkook and I will be there with you, he won't do anything to you, we'll protect you!'' she exclaimed.

Soomin smiled at the sweet sight of her best friend being protective of her, it was adorable.

''And uh, we'll make sure you don't murder anyone and go to jail of course.''

''Thank you, we'll have some fun won't we?''

''Heck yeah!''

''Maybe we can find Jungkook a boyfriend, he's been pretty desperate for a while,'' Soomin thought out loud, causing Yeri to burst out laughing.

''Let's do that," she said with a smile.


sorry its a short chapter this time folks! thank u for reading peace out n stream mono

sorry its a short chapter this time folks! thank u for reading peace out n stream mono

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