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Soomin sat down at her usual seat in the nearly empty lecture hall, glancing at faces she couldn't recognise. She had no interest in remembering other people's faces and names, after all she didn't need anyone else apart from her two best friends and she didn't have any desire to even become acquainted with others.

She placed her books on the table, flipping through the pages too fast for her eyes to catch up with the content on each page. She couldn't concentrate, her mind was elsewhere.

Her mind wandered to the previous night's events, Taehyungs smiling face forever engraved in her head.

She was so lost in thought she didn't notice her best friend flop down onto the seat beside her until she harshly slammed her books against the table followed by silence as a few heads turned their way with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Yeri bowed her head as an apology and turned to face her friend who was staring at her wide eyed.

''Did you want me to have a heart attack or something?'' Soomin mumbled, closing her book and pushing it away from her.

Yeri smiled apologetically at her. ''You seem to be daydreaming a lot lately, what's distracting you?'' she asked as she popped the tab on her soda.

Soomin rested her chin against her palm as she closed her eyes, a smile crept across her face.

''I.. Well.. To be honest, Taehyung,'' she muttered.

Yeri nearly choked on the fizzy soda in her mouth.

''Excuse me?!! What? Oh my god what's going on? Why don't I know anything?''

Soomin brought her finger up to her lips, a quiet ''shh'' escaping her lips.

''Don't make such a fuss, you goof. I'll tell you everything, but maybe after class? We can meet up with Jungkook,'' she whispered.

Yeri remained silent for a minute before nodding in acknowledgment.

''Alright, I'll text our gay boy then.''


Yeri and Soomin sat at one of their favourite noodle bars with steaming hot bowls of ramyeon under their noses, drool practically dripping from their mouths from the intense smell that lingered in their nostrils.

''Wow, I love food so much,'' Yeri mumbled as she picked up her chopsticks.

Soomin raised an eyebrow at her best friend, ''That's exactly why you'll be marrying food instead of a hot guy,'' she teased.

Yeris smile was replaced by a pout, her cheeks almost identical to those of a squirrels.

The front door opened, triggering a small golden bell to ring as it slowly closed. Jungkook scanned the area, looking for his friends and let out a gasp as he spotted them on the other side of the bar, sitting by the window with food in front of them.

Jungkook approached them with a look of betrayal portrayed on his face.

''How could you order without waiting for me?'' he whined as he flopped down onto the empty seat at their table.

''You're late!'' Yeri exclaimed before hungrily digging into her food.

Soomin picked up the soggy noodles with her chopsticks, carefully putting them in her mouth. She had to stop herself from moaning in ecstasy as she chewed on her savoury food, smacking her lips afterwards.

Jungkook left the girls to order some food for himself and came back to find their noodles nowhere to be seen.

''What the hell? You ate that so fast??'' he asked in astonishment as his eyes traveled to the empty bowls and dirty chopsticks laying on the table.

''We don't eat our food, we devour it,'' Yeri stated.

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

''Okay.. I've got something to tell both of you,'' Soomin announced nervously, her trembling fingers found themselves shakely tearing up a piece of tissue.

Yeri and Jungkook didn't say a word, waiting for their friend to continue.

Soomin cleared her throat, ''Well, something happened yesterday.''

Yeri placed her hand on Soomins, preventing her from creating a mess out of torn up tissue pieces.

''I... Well... Taehyung kissed me and I surprisingly kissed him back and I decided to give him a chance and so uh I have a boyfriend.''

Yeris jaw literally dropped as she quickly processed Soomins words, meanwhile Jungkook fisted the air.

''That's amazing! Soomin, this is such great news!'' he exclaimed as he enthusiastically pulled her into a hug, practically knocking the air out of her lungs.

Yeri started squealing so loud that she nearly caused the trio to get kicked out of the bar for causing a commotion.

''Oh my god! SOOMIN YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!'' She yelled as she slapped her own cheeks, causing them to turn a bright red color.

Jungkook pulled away, giving Soomin a chance to regain her breath. She hid her flustered face with her hands, feeling extremely embarrassed by her friends rowdy reactions.

''I hope I'll overcome my phobia someday and I think Taehyung can help me with that,'' she mumbled as she slowly put down her hands.

Yeris lips curved into a wide smile as she stared at Soomins red tinted cheeks, ''I trust Taehyung. I'm so happy for you, Soomin, I've been waiting for something like this to happen for so long.''

Soomin felt her heart slowly melt at Yeris words, her friends were being super supportive and that's exactly what she needed.

''So, out of the three of us only one has a good chance at getting laid soon,'' Jungkook muttered with a pout.

Yeri playfully smacked his arm. "Well, Jungkook, I've still got a better chance than you," she said with a smirk.

Soomin rolled her eyes as she watched the scene in front of her unfold. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, she swiftly took it out and glanced at her notifications. Her eyes lit up as she noticed Taehyungs name pop up on the screen.

1 new message from Tae♡

Tae♡: how are you doing princess? do you want to go grab something to eat later?

Soomin smiled brightly at the message displayed on her screen, a deep shade of red decorating her cheeks.

soomin: im good, yes let's do that, I'll call you in a bit okay?

Tae♡: okay 💖❤️💞❤️💕💘💕💖

Soomin: one heart is okay tae omg

Tae♡: but im just showing my huge amount of love for u 💞

Soomin: well for some reason when u do it, it isn't as cringey as i thought it'd be

Tae♡: see? aren't i amazing?

Soomin: i guess you are 👀

Soomin locked her phone and put it away, her lips curved into a wide smile. Jungkook and Yeri continued bickering meanwhile Soomin enjoyed the unfamiliar, warm feeling she felt whenever she thought about Taehyung.

He had officially infiltrated her mind to the point where she didn't want him to ever leave.


sorry if this chapter is boring, things might get a bit chaotic soon 🤩 thanks for reading!

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