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Soomin was slowly getting used to the amount of affection Taehyung showered her with. She was still quite jumpy when it came to touching, so Taehyung assured her he'd do nothing more than kiss her and hold her hand. She was grateful for his patience.

A few weeks have passed since they started dating and Soomin already felt like the happiest girl on earth. She loved getting to know Taehyungs habits and various phrases he'd repeat without noticing, she loved the moles on his face and his signature boxy smile, she loved everything about him.

It was almost suspicious. How could she find herself falling deeper in love within each day when she was so deathly afraid of love? She didn't question it, she was happy and that's all that mattered.

She shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind and focused on the task at hand, which was making breakfast without setting the kitchen on fire. That's pretty hard to do if you could make a weapon out of anything like Soomin.

Jimin entered the kitchen as the smell of food filled the air, he stared at his sister who was making eggs and bacon, the sizzling meat almost caused drool to drip down his chin but he stopped himself just in time. He smiled as the food looked edible and sat down at the table with his eating utensils in his hand.

''Come on! Hurry up im hungry!'' Jimin whined as he banged his fork and knife against the table, the clinking of metal resonated through the kitchen, gaining Soomins attention as she turned around with a huge wooden spoon in her hand.

''Do you want me to throw this at you? Shut up and stop acting like a small child,'' she exclaimed with furrowed eyebrows before turning around and concentrating on cooking.

Jimin smirked playfully as he continued to make a ruckus. It didn't take long for Soomin to throw the wooden spoon drenched in oil at her brother who didn't expect it to smack him straight in the face. Thankfully, it didn't burn him, however it did cause him to let out a high pitched scream.

Soomin clutched her stomach as she couldn't control her laughter, the look on her brothers face was priceless.

''You're unbelievable! What if you had ruined my beautiful face? You're lucky it didn't hurt me, dumbass,'' he exclaimed as his cheeks turned red from the embarrassment. Jimin didn't predict that high pitched scream would leave his lips.

''Yeah, yeah, your face can't be ruined anymore than it already is,'' she muttered under her breath.

Jimin let out a dramatic gasp, placing his hands on his chest. ''You really do hate me.. and here I thought you loved me..''

''Bitch, you thought,'' she snorted,  lifting up a piece of bacon with her spatula in the air. She clumsily tried to throw it up into the air and catch it, as if it were a pancake, but it landed on the floor, staining the tiles with grease.

Both Jimin and Soomin went silent as their eyes focused solely on the poor piece of bacon they couldn't eat anymore.

''Are you dumb? Did you think that was a pancake or something? My god, you must've been swapped at the hospital,'' he exclaimed as he ran a hand through his silky hair.

Soomin started waving the grease stained spatula dangerously near Jimins face, causing him to scream in terror.

''Say another word and that grease will be your hair conditioner for the next week,'' she threatened him, the spatula way too close to his face for his comfort.

''Yes m'am,'' he said monotonously as he saluted. Sometimes he wondered who was the true man in that house, or rather, apartment that they shared.


Soomin walked around the campus with narrowed eyes and a can of redbull in hand, her unkempt hair tied into a very messy bun. Yeri noticed her best friend walking towards her and ran to her excitedly.

"My best friend! My wife!" she yelled loudly as she frantically ran towards her best friend and pulling her into a hug, nearly knocking the energy drink out of her hand.

Soomin grunted in response as she hugged her back with one arm, her face engulfed by Yeri's amazingly soft hair.

"You in a bad mood? Sleep deprived? Or maybe you're on your period?" she questioned as she stared at Soomins gloomy face.

"Honestly? All of them, I hate being a woman," she mumbled as she finished her drink and tossed the empty can into a nearby bin.

"Do you have any plans after class? Jungkook and I are gonna go get some good, greasy food and then go to the arcade so I can beat his ass in air hockey and maybe find him a good looking boyfriend."

Soomin chuckled at the last remark, "I don't know if our Jungoo has a good chance of finding a boyfriend at the arcade but let's not lose hope yet."

Yeri laughed in response as she linked her arm with Soomins. "Soo, you coming with us?"

"I was planning on hanging out with Tae later on..." she trailed off as an idea suddenly popped into her head. "How about I bring Tae with me? I can introduce Jungkook to the hot Instagram model you both wouldn't stop bugging me about, also known as my boyfriend."

Yeri's lips widened at her best friends proposal, "Let's do it! I've already met him but we never hung out together before, just watch out for Jungkook, he might try to snatch him when you're not looking," she said, trying her best to suppress a laugh.

Soomin balled her hand into a fist, "If he tries anything I'll make sure to test out my sadistic tendencies on him."

"Depending on how Jungkook rolls, he'll either enjoy it or absolutely hate it," she joked, winking at Soomin who raised an eyebrow suggestively.

Their obnoxiously loud laughter attracted the attention of students passing by as they made their way to their next lecture.


Taehyung crossed the street and pushed his sunglasses to the bridge of his nose, his ash grey hair turned a very light shade of grey in the sunlight.

He was on his way for a photoshoot yet his mind was elsewhere. He thought about where he could invite Soomin out for dinner after the shoot, it perfectly matched with Soomins schedule, meaning they'd both be free at the same time. It was the only event he was looking forward to that day.

Just as he found himself standing at his destination he heard his phone go off. Reaching into his pocket he took it out and with a huge smile on his face unlocked it.

1 new message from Soomin♡

you're probably at work rn but i just wanted to tell u that there's a slight change of plans for tonight, call me after you're finished <3

Taehyung pondered on what could be the sudden change of plans but didn't focus on it too much. He put his phone into his pocket and entered the building, hoping time will pass by quickly so he could see his beloved girlfriend.


OH MY GOD i FINALLY UPDATED im sorry for not updating in SO LONG! This chapter was boring but bear with me for now:)) i need to finally finish this fanfic akskd, anygays, thanks for reading, peace out 🥴✌️

OH MY GOD i FINALLY UPDATED im sorry for not updating in SO LONG! This chapter was boring but bear with me for now:)) i need to finally finish this fanfic akskd, anygays, thanks for reading, peace out 🥴✌️

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