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Soomin kicked open the door to her apartment, not caring that the door created a slight dent in the wall as it smashed into it. Slamming it closed, she stomped over to her bedroom and buried herself in her duvet.

She let out a scream as she covered her face with a pillow, her muffled screams was the only sound in the room.

She was beyond pissed off, she didn't expect her ex boyfriend to be back in town. Even after their break up, he continuously called her, spouting stupid, pointless apologies over the phone. She didn't refrain from telling him exactly how disgusted she felt because of him and his immature actions. He practically ruined her life in high school.

Yet, he was always stubborn and didn't stop calling her until she was forced to change her number, repeatedly.

She would never forgive him, he was the cause of her philophobia. She couldn't trust a man because of him, she couldn't let herself fall in love because of him, she couldn't get close to any boy because of him.

It's his fault Soomin developed a deathly phobia of falling in love.

She loved him, she really did, but she couldn't torture herself and stay with him. It's the best decision she's ever made, even if she did love him.

Soomin stopped screaming as she heard her phone go off, grabbing it she clicked on the notification.

Guccitaehyung: hey there

Guccitaehyung: how are you doing?

Soomin felt her anger building up within every second, but stopped herself from taking it out on Taehyung who had nothing to do with the situation.

Soomeanmin: hey gucci boy

Guccitaehyung: i like the nickname

Soomeanmin: well you've got gucci in your user

Guccitaehyung: that's weird, you're not being mean to me

Soomeanmin: don't get used to it

Soomeanmin: im just having a ''be kind to animals'' day

Guccitaehyung: hold on

Guccitaehyung: since when am i an animal

Soomeanmin: well i mean you're too good looking to be human i guess

Guccitaehyung: wait

Guccitaehyung: did you just call me hot?

Soomeanmin: lol im joking

Guccitaehyung: why you always lyin'

Soomeanmin: are you calling me a liar?

Soomeanmin: do u want to die?

Guccitaehyung: oh no don't kill me im still young and beautiful 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Guccitaehyung: i mean, good looking according to you

Soomeanmin: asshat

Soomeanmin: watch it or ill block you

Guccitaehyung: oh mean soomin please don't!

Guccitaehyung: you know, i like talking with you

Soomeanmin: you're just saying that so i don't block you

Guccitaehyung: no seriously i really do

Soomeanmin: you're not that bad yourself i guess

Guccitaehyung: that'll do :-)

Soomin locked her phone and put it down, she stared at her body tangled in the mess she calls her bed. She lay back down, her head resting on a soft pillow.

''At least I've calmed down," she whispered, thinking about her conversation with Taehyung that successfully distracted her from her screaming session over her ex boyfriend.

The frustration she felt had perished, leaving her with a fluttery sensation in her stomach as Taehyung occupied her thoughts.


Soomin felt herself being skaken as she slowly opened her eyes, glaring at her brother, Jimin, standing right by her bed.

''The fuck do you want? Can't you see I'm sleeping?'' she grumbled as she pulled the duvet over her head.

Jimin rolled his eyes as he forcefully snatched the duvet from Soomins grasp, causing her to nearly lunge at him before he caught her by the shoulders, holding her in place.

''I heard Namjoons back in town,'' he started, looking at his sister with a worried expression on his face. ''Are you okay? I heard you saw him toda-''

"Who the hell told you about that?'' she interrupted him.

He gulped as he took in Soomins raised voice and the anger etched onto her face. She looked ready to rip someone apart.

''Yeri told me, but don't be angry with her, she only told me because she's worried about you,'' he said softly.

''I am too,'' he added with a sigh.

Soomin shook Jimins hands off her shoulders, ''For gods sake, stop worrying about me already! I'm nearly 20 years old, I'm not a child anymore Jimin,'' she snapped, a visible vein popping out of her forehead.

Jimin backed away, deciding it'd be best to leave her alone he left the room, closing the door behind him quietly.

Soomin buried her face in her palms. She hated being treated with extra care, she hated being looked down on, she hated the sympathetic look in her brothers eyes when he sees her in a vulnerable state.

Soomin wasn't fragile, brittle or weak, she has a strong personality. She's arrogant, easy-going and foul mouthed, always knows what she wants and never afraid to stick up for herself. She's far from fragile.

Yet her friends, Yeri and Jungkook, as well as her brother, Jimin, became extremely overprotective of her ever since the Namjoon incident.

Soomin was extremely grateful for her friends and her amazing brother, but she hated their constant vigilant stance. She found herself feeling smothered by them, she wanted nothing more than to finally breathe without her close ones trying to desperately shield her from anything potentially harmful.

She was an adult yet she was constantly treated like a child.

Soomin picked up her phone and decided to kill some time since she's already been rudely woken up. While scrolling through Instagram she stumbled upon Taehyung's new post.

 While scrolling through Instagram she stumbled upon Taehyung's new post

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Soomin raised her eyebrow as she read the caption over and over again.

She left a comment on the post, not long after she received a response.

Soomeanmin: seriously you can't look more fuckboyish than this huh gucci boy?

Guccitaehyung: @soomeanmin  by fuckboyish you mean ''good looking'' like you said in dms?

Soomin let out a chuckle as she glared at her phone screen.

''Well, I can't deny the fact that you're good looking,'' she whispered, oblivious to the butterflies in her stomach.


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