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(((can we just appreciate how fine namjoon is😩😳)))

Namjoon leaned against the wall, his hands hidden in the pockets of his leather jacket. He ran a hand through his silky hair as he patiently waited for a certain someone to be on their way home. A group of girls leaving the campus noticed the good looking male and couldn't help but stop dead in their tracks and stare at him, completely awestruck by the man's beauty.

Namjoon noticed them and looked in their direction with unwavering eyes. One of them gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. He slyly winked at them and looked away quickly. All he could hear were squeals before they simply dispersed.

He loved the attention and so he decided to give the girls a bit of service.

However, it seemed like he had some serious competition. He heard loud squealing this time and as he looked in the other direction he noticed a tall and very attractive male standing by the wall just a few feet away from him. The girls seemed to be in love with his ash gray hair that was kept back with a bright red hairband.

He was too busy to interact with the girls as he was texting away on his phone whilst looking around, clearly he was waiting for someone. Namjoon listened in to one of the girls conversations.

"Isn't that Kim Taehyung? That Instagram model?"

"He's so hot, especially in real life!"

"I think I'm going to faint!"

Namjoon rolled his eyes at the attention the mere presence of a handsome instagram model was attracting. Sure, he was aware of the popularity those types of models have, but he felt like gagging at that moment.

That feeling multiplied when he noticed the person he was waiting on finally appeared but for some reason was heading towards the model.

Namjoon watched in horror as Soomin wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. He felt his blood boil when he put his hands on her waist and smiled at her whilst leaning in for another kiss.

"Eh ? Since when does he have a girlfriend?"

"The hot ones are always taken!"

Namjoon stared at the couple who walked off, hand in hand. He clenched his fists and harshly chewed on his lip, drawing a bit of blood.

"What the hell? Philophobia... my ass. She must've made it all up to make me feel guilty. How can she be afraid of love and go around hugging and kissing models all of a sudden?" he whispered under his breath.

He was ridden with jealousy and anger, he felt a pang of pain in his heart, almost as if seeing her with someone else actually made his heart hurt. What hurt him the most though was his pride, she didn't want to him back but went after someone better not even a month after? He scoffed as he whipped out his phone and opened up the Instagram app.

He searched up Soomin and scrolled through her followers until she found Taehyung's profile. He looked through his photos with a scornful expression on his face.

"I can't believe this.. I won't let this go," he mumbled to himself before putting his phone back into his pocket and heading home.


Soomin felt content as she munched on a slice of pizza with her boyfriend watching her by her side. He was amazed by the amount of food she could put in her mouth and chew on without choking on it.

"My brother truly is the best," she said in between chewing. "He knows just how hard it is for a college student to eat actual food, so he got me free pizza! If only he was this nice to me all the time," she said with a grin on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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