Tell Me The Story

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Jay's POV
It took a lot of courage to ask her. I struggled because I was still a bit surprised at myself when I kissed Amethyst. I looked over at her as we walked back to the house, "Amethyst will you be my gi-girlfriend?" I asked. "Why would I want a role I already have?" she replied and she kissed my cheek. "Dammit I love you to" I whispered. Amethyst giggled as she put her arm around my waist and pulled me close. As soon as we entered the house 'mom' bombarded us with questions. "Where were you two? Why are you wet!? Where's you jacket Amethyst? Don't you know how late it is!?"
"We wer-" I started but Amethyst cut me off, "We were at the pond. A gun went off and Jay fell in. I gave my jacket to her so she could warm up, and yes I know how late it is." She answered. 'Mom then took me into the bathroom, "Here I'll send Amethyst to get your pajamas, but you need to get a warm bath. I'll start the water then you can do the rest. If you need anything just call." She said, and I nodded. After she left I took off my clothes and stared at my body in the mirror. "I'm covered from shoulders to my toes in bruises, and I've cut up my arms. How could she care?" I asked myself quietly. Then someone knocked on the door, "Jay, I have your pajamas." Amethyst said, I quickly wrapped up in a towel. "Come in" I replied. She opened the door and smiled, "Where do you want them Princess?" she asked. I blushed and pointed to the counter top. She sat them down the left, I sighed and took the towel off and stepped in the tub. I was in there for a while trying to get my mind under control. As soon as I got out of the bathroom Amethyst met me. "Hey ready for bed Popsicle?" She asked, I pouted but followed her. As we entered the room she pushed me down onto the bed. I yelped but before I could do anything else she kissed me. I melted into the kiss instantly. We parted for breath and stared into each others eyes. "I love you" Amethyst whispered. "I love you to" I whispered back. She rolled off of me and I curled up to her. Her held me close and kissed my head, "No one will hurt you as long as I'm around." She whispered, and I drifted back to sleep. ~~~ I awoke in my old room and laughter could be heard below. I curled up into a ball. "Jay get down here!" my father called. I whimpered and curled up tighter. "Now or I'm going to come up there!" he yelled again. "I'm sorry. God why am I back here? Amethyst where did you go? I want you back." I whispered to myself, then the attic door fell open and the ladder fell down. I cowered in fear under my blanket as he stomped up. I saw flashes of him beating me over the years then my vision darkened~~~ I jumped awake as the sound of thunder filled the air. I held onto Amethyst who was sleeping beside me. She groaned but woke up, and I whimpered beside her. She wrapped her arms around me, "it's alright I'm here. Now tell me what's wrong." She said. I whimpered as tears streamed down my face, then lightning struck and thunder was heard. I yelped and cuddled even closer than I was already. "Oh are you scared of storms?" Amethyst asked sleepily. She held me closer and kept reassuring me.
~that morning~
I woke up to a slow and steady heart beat. I listened to her breathing and heartbeat. I felt as I would fall back to sleep when I heard her voice, "good morning" she said. I looked up at her and she smiled down at me. I shyly smiled back, we got up and went into the living room where 'mom' sat play games on her phone. I rubbed my eyes sleepily, as my arms fell to my side my sleeves fell over my hands.
~A few hours later~
I sat with Amethyst on the bank of the creek. "Can you tell me the story of how it started?" Amethyst asked. I started shaking as fear swept over me at the mere thought of that man

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