The beginning ✔

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My first FF. Tell me what you think.
Let's go!

"30 minutes left." I sighed. The café was more crowded than usual, even tho it was after midnight. "Y/N!" I heard my boss call. "Just a second!" I answered before I turned back to the customers. "Sit down at a free table and we'll bring your order in a moment." I said to the older couple and smiled. I tapped my colleague's arm. "Please take my place for a minute." I said to her. She nodded. "Thank you!" I said.

"Y/N, you should go home." My boss said. "No no, it's fine. I can stay until there is less crowded." I said. "Your shift ended 2 hours ago. You should go home now. We will make it work here, don't worry. Don't overwork yourself." She said "Are you sure. It's no problem." I said. "No Y/N. You are tired. Thank you for staying. Go home now and we'll see you tomorrow. Okay?" She said. 

It was completely dark outside. Only the lights from passing cars and lampposts allowed me to see. As I walked i felt my eyes got heavier and the lights got blurry. I rubbed my eyes. Suddenly I heard a carhorn. I looked up and saw light rushing towards me. I didn't even get to move before I felt a push and the hit of the cold hard ground. "No no no no no no! Please don't be hurt! I'm sorry!" I heard. A high pitched sound started ringing loudly in my ears and a second later everything went pitch black.

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